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Lose Weight Safely And Naturally With These Outstanding Essential Oils

About 35 percent of Americans are overweight. Needless to say, the weight loss industry is worth an astounding amount of money. Diet foods, weight loss supplements and various exercise products promise to help people lose weight and achieve their dream bodies at last (source).

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Unfortunately, there are serious flaws when it comes to the weight loss industry. For one thing, studies show that 97 percent of people who go on diets will regain their weight back within a couple of years. Excessive dieting can cause all kinds of health problems as the body struggles to adjust to constant changes in diet (source).

Even worse, popular weight loss supplements can cause serious health problems as well. Many of these supplements contain high levels of stimulants that put the heart at risk (source).

When it comes to bringing your weight down, natural, plant-based solutions are the way to go. Essential oils have aided in weight loss long before the introduction of diet pills and sugar-free snacks. These oils contain numerous healing properties that tackle the underlying cause of excessive body fat while boosting the metabolism. In this article, you’ll find out how you can use essential oils to shed those pounds in no time.

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Essential Oils for Weight Loss

Grapefruit Essential Oil

When it comes to weight loss, grapefruit essential oil is an incredibly powerful product that’s conveniently inexpensive. For one thing, grapefruit oil is packed with a chemical compound called nootkatone. One study found that mice who were given nootkatone experienced an increased metabolism. The study also found that this chemical compound prevents obesity caused by dietary fats. The study concluded that grapefruit essential oil can certainly aid in weight loss (source).

Another study found that rats given grapefruit essential oil lost weight thanks to the oil’s high level of limonene, a chemical compound that literally dissolves fat when ingested (source).

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Lemon Essential Oil

Like grapefruit essential oil, lemon essential oil contains a high level of limonene, a chemical compound that has been proven to prevent fat from accumulating in the body by dissolving it. One study found that rats who were given both lemon and grapefruit essential oils saw significant weight loss compared to rats that were not (source).

Lemon oil can dissolve fat by breaking up white adipose tissue so that it can deconstruct and be used for energy instead of becoming stored in the body in the form of body fat. This tissue comes from excessive dietary fats and is often the cause of obesity (source).

Additionally, lemon essential oil can block the absorption of dietary fat. One study found that mice who were given lemon essential oil experienced increase function of the metabolism, suppression of the appetite and reduced absorption of dietary fats (source).

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Peppermint Essential Oil

For centuries, people have used peppermint essential oil to improve the health of their digestive systems. Peppermint oil is often used to treat indigestion as it promotes the flow of bile that breaks down food properly. This process can aid in weight loss by moving food through the digestive tract more quickly, preventing fats from absorbing into the body (source).

Peppermint oil is also often used to treat irritable bowel syndrome.One study confirmed the oil’s ability to relax the intestinal muscles, allowing waste to pass through more quickly (source). Interestingly, those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and other constipation-causing digestive disorders tend to experience weight gain as their symptoms worsen. This is because of the fact that constipation can cause a person to become less physically active (source).

In fact, peppermint oil has been proven to enhance physical performance during exercise. As a stimulant, the oil improves one’s lung capacity and cardiovascular function, allowing a person to maintain higher levels of stamina while they work out. In other words, the stimulating effects of peppermint oil can enable you to work out more efficiently, burning more calories (source).

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Ginger Essential Oil

Ginger essential oil tackles body fat in many different ways. For one thing, it has been used for centuries as an appetite suppressant. When inhaled, it triggers a part of the brain that reduces food cravings.

Additionally, ginger essential oil has been found to possess anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation along the digestive tract. By using ginger oil to reduce inflammation along the digestive tract, you’re encouraging the absorption of crucial vitamins and nutrients that help fight against fat absorption (source).

Gingerol, the leading chemical compound in ginger essential oil, has actually been proven to block the absorption of dietary fats. In a study, obese rats were fed a high-fat diet while only half of the rats were given ginger essential oil. The study found that the rats who were given ginger essential oil gained less weight than those who were not (source).

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Cinnamon Essential Oil

Amazingly, cinnamon essential oil has been proven to improve insulin sensitivity, meaning that the consumption of the oil encourages the body to store insulin as energy instead of fat. In one study, obese mice were given cinnamon essential oil while fed a high-fat diet. The study found that the cinnamon oil promoted the storage of insulin in the form of energy as opposed to fat (source).

Another study found that cinnamon essential oil increases glucose uptake, a process that turns dietary fat into muscle instead of white adipose tissue (source).

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Essential Oils Remedy For Weight Loss Infographic


Instead of turning to potentially-dangerous dietary supplements, use these essential oils to lose weight naturally. As you can see, science has proven that these oils can effectively burn fat while preventing obesity.

Do you take essential oils in order to lose weight? Tell us which oils work for you in the comments section below.

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