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Top 3 Essential Oils For Acne – Natural Recipes

Are you or your child suffering from those oh-so-dreaded acne marks? We know, they can be a pain, sometimes, quite literally a pain. You may have tried just about every treatment possible. Creams, supplements, prescription drugs, you name it. Nothing seems to be working.

Essential oil recipes that can work for acne

Well, there are natural options out there that can clear up, or at least minimize the impact of these undesirable facial “scars.” For instance, there are essential oils for acne that have been known to be quite effective. Among the benefits of using natural remedies for acne are:

  • They often result in saving money.
  • They keep you healthy by avoiding any substances that may harm your body.
  • They can help clear up and soothe your skin.
  • They give your body an oh-so-delightful scent.

Do you have oily, acne-prone skin? Well, natural remedies can in fact work for those pesky acne marks. And the benefits of using organic solutions like essential oils are, well, quite plentiful. Why are these natural alternatives for acne so effective at maintaining the health of your skin care?

  • Antibacterial characteristics help curb the growth of acne germs.
  • They relieve irritation and red marks that are spawned by acne.
  • They balance oil production on the skin, helping to reduce oiliness (using “oils” to decrease “oiliness.” We know, it’s a little ironic)
  • Speeds up the skin healing process during and following an outbreak.

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Just like other acne treatments, using natural essential oils can take a little bit of time. If you’ve suffered from these unfortunate facial marks for a while, I’m sure you understand. There’s a lot of overpromising in the area of facial health.

It takes generally three to four weeks for your skin to complete the renewal process. So in order to experience maximum results with essential oils for acne, you’ll have to be diligent in applying them regularly. Simply put, there’s no overnight cure for acne. Anyone who makes such a claim is, quite frankly, full of you know what.

The fact is, while there are plenty of facial products out there that can be effective, natural home remedies for acne can in fact work.

Top 3 essential oils for acne

There are a number of oils you can use to help stave off those unwanted acne marks. While there are many options to choose from (Melaleuca, Geranium, etc.), the following are the top 3 oils we recommend for treating acne:

  1. Lavender: Assists in lightening the facial appearance of scars, age spots, and dark circles under the eyes. It also regenerates skin cells, which helps treat sun spots and mature skin.[amazon box=”B005V22SEI”]
  2. Frankincense: Working as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory for your skin, frankincense essential oils work as an organic toner to even skin tones and reduce the appearance of pores. This popular oil can tighten up your skin, decrease the amount of wrinkles, and curb the prominence of scars.[amazon box=”B079B7FK2G”]
  3. Lemon: This popular natural oil harbors astringent and antibacterial properties. This makes it ideal for those suffering from oily and acne-prone skin. Like frankincense, lemon also lessens the appearance of pores on the skin.[amazon box=”B07W58VK3D”]

As we noted previously, there a number of essential oils you can use when dealing with skin imperfections. And there are a number of different ways to apply these oils, whether it be topically, aromatically, or even through ingestion.

How to apply oil recipes for acne

Before getting too in depth over how to best apply oils to your skin, here’s a quick blemish-clearing trick to begin with. After washing your skin at night (note, this is crucial when combating acne), put one or two drops of lavender oil on a Q-Tip and lightly rub it on the pimple (or other skin blemish). Administer this simple technique every night until the blemish begins to clear up.

If you want to get a little more in-depth with treatment, take one of the oils we highlighted above and combine 3 to 5 drops of a carrier oil with 3 to 4 drops of the chosen oil. After combining in the palm of your hand, pat the solution on the affected area and let it soak into your skin. This is a daily treatment that can also be done at night.

As you can see, the use of essential oils for treating acne can be a versatile process. Different folks have experienced positive results with different types of products. So we always recommend experimenting with different protocols and record the results to keep track of what’s most effective.

A note of caution: Before applying the lavender or other oil to your skin, research the specific brand you plan to use to make sure it is 100% pure without chemical additives. Also, if you have sensitive skin, be sure to consider diluting with a carrier oil to prevent any adverse reactions.

12 thoughts on “Top 3 Essential Oils For Acne – Natural Recipes”

  1. I use 2 drops Melaleuca oil and 2 drops lavender oil diluted with coconut oil on my face every night and it’s worked wonders! It’s great to use at night so that is can be absorbed by your skin when you sleep.

  2. My teenage son is suffering from small pimples on his cheeks and arms. What should he wash his face with before applying the oils.

      • Cetephil facial cleanser is by far the best cleanser for any skin. Non irritating and only minimum ingredients. Epionce lytic gel cleanser is a little pricey but works really well too, all natural and antibacterial.

      • doterra oils are certified. The other stuff from the stores are not 100% fresh oils. They have other things in them that make them “fake”.

  3. Yes Essential Oils work wonders, but it is best to use Pure Essential oils. doTERRA is by far the best oils I have experienced.

  4. Do Terra Sellers always think only their oils are the best…..there are many other brands that are pure, don’t let them fool ya!


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