Home / Lavender Oil / Discover All Of The Incredible Ways That You Can Use Lavender Essential Oil In Order To Change Your Life

Discover All Of The Incredible Ways That You Can Use Lavender Essential Oil In Order To Change Your Life

Lavender essential oil is one of those natural products that seems to have it all. Boasting antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antiseptic and antioxidant properties, just to name a few, lavender essential oil is a must-have for anyone who is interested in natural medicine.

For centuries, people have been using lavender essential oil as a way to treat everything from insomnia to respiratory infections. Additionally, the oil’s potent floral aroma is used as a fragrance in everything from perfumes to household cleaning products.

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Lavender oil is capable of treating a wide variety of physical and mental ailments. However, if you wish to reap the benefits of this oil, you need to know how to apply it properly. For every condition, lavender oil must be applied in a very specific way.

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How to Use Lavender Essential Oil


Is a staple of aromatherapy thanks to its abilities to relax the mind, ease depression, treat insomnia, relieve headaches and even improve respiratory function.

Many people inhale the oil as a treatment for mood disorders such as stress, anxiety and depression (source). When inhaled, this oil can actually slow down the nervous system, reducing feelings of stress and aiding in sleep (source). Lavender oil also alleviates headaches and respiratory illnesses thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory abilities (source).

There are many ways to inhale lavender essential oil. One way is to simply apply the oil directly to the skin. The aroma is potent enough to last for several hours. For some, this oil may be slightly irritating. If this is the case for you, simply pour a few drops of the oil into a carrier oil such as olive oil.

Another method is steam inhalation. Many people use an oil diffuser to spread the aroma of lavender throughout the home. An oil diffuser is a small device that combines essential oils and hot water to produce steam.

Alternatively, you can pour several drops of lavender oil into a hot bath. The steam from the hot water will intensify the aroma and aid in the inhalation process.

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Lavender essential oil can be applied topically to the skin in order to treat a variety of conditions including eczema, cuts and even muscle pain. Many people use lavender essential oil as a skincare product, applying the oil directly to the face (source).

The oil’s strong anti-inflammatory properties can treat muscle and joint pain as well as headaches. When the oil is applied to the affected area, it can reach the inflamed tissue through the skin (source).

To apply lavender essential oil topically, simply place a couple of drops directly to the affected area and massage the oil into the skin. However, if you have sensitive skin, you may find the oil to be slightly irritating. If this is the case, dilute the oil in a carrier oil such as coconut oil or olive oil. This will prevent skin irritation.


Some people ingest lavender essential oil because of its strong anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antibacterial and antioxidant abilities. By swallowing a small dose of the oil, it can treat certain internal ailments like digestive disorders, fungal infections and bacterial infections that exist in the body.

However, it’s important to dilute the oil heavily in another liquid. When taken in large doses, lavender essential oil can be poisonous (source).

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Thanks to its wide variety of healing properties, lavender essential oil is an incredibly useful product that can treat numerous conditions. By knowing how to use lavender essential oil for each condition, you can reap its healing benefits quickly, effectively and safely.

Let us know how you like to use lavender essential oil in the comments below. If you know anyone who would like to learn how to use lavender oil for its medicinal abilities, feel free to share this article.

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