Home / Bergamot Oil / 13 Uses For Bergamot Essential Oil That Will Improve Your Health In No Time

13 Uses For Bergamot Essential Oil That Will Improve Your Health In No Time

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Bergamot essential oil is one of the most exciting essential oils available because of its enormous variety of health benefits, making this product essential for any home. Between its unique ability to reduce a fever to its powerful antidepressant abilities, bergamot essential oil is truly a life-changing product that’s affordable, safe and extremely effective.

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Bergamot Essential Oil Benefits Infographic

1. Achieve Relief from Stress and Anxiety without Medication

While there is a variety of prescription medications available to relieve chronic stress and anxiety, these medications often come with the risk of side effects and dependency issues. For that reason, more and more people are discovering the benefits of aromatherapy when it comes to treating these common mood disorders.

Various studies have shown that aromatherapy can relieve anxiety disorders and chronic stress. By inhaling essential oils, the chemical compounds reach the brain through the nasal passage and trigger the release of chemicals that positively alter one’s mood.

Bergamot essential oil has been proven to be especially helpful as a treatment for anxiety and stress. One study had one hundred ambulatory surgery patients inhale bergamot essential oil. The study concluded that the oil is very effective when it comes to reducing feelings of anxiety (source).

Bergamot oil has also been shown to slow down the nervous system when inhaled by slowing down heart rate as well as rate of breath. During an anxiety attack, the nervous system speeds up, making a person feel even more anxious (source).

The “Goodbye to Stress” Oil Diffuser Method

  1. Remove the lid from an oil diffuser. Fill the water tank with water without exceeding the maximum fill line.
  2. Twist off the cap of a bottle of bergamot essential oil. Angle the bottle so that its spout is facing the water.
  3. Tap the side of the bottle of bergamot oil, allowing it to release about five drops into the water.
  4. Return the lid to the oil diffuser and plug the diffuser into a nearby outlet.
  5. Turn the diffuser on and take long, deep breaths as the diffuser releases scented vapor into the room.

The “Quick Fix” Inhalation Method

  1. Twist the cap off of a bottle of bergamot essential oil. Hold the bottle up to one nostril.
  2. Take long, deep breaths through your nose for about 30 seconds.

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2. Get Rid of a Herpes Outbreak Quickly and Painlessly

Herpes is a condition that is caused by the varicella zoster virus. Because of its incredibly powerful antibacterial properties, herpes outbreaks can be quickly eradicated with bergamot essential oil when applied topically (source).

The Quick and Easy Topical Method

  1. Remove the cap from a bottle of bergamot essential oil.
  2. Place the mouth of the bottle of oil onto one finger and lightly tap the side of the bottle with another finger, releasing a drop or two onto your finger.
  3. Dab the affected area with the oil that’s on your finger.

3. Get Rid of Depression without Relying on Addictive Medications

Depression is a common mood disorder that is often treated with prescription medications. While these medications are fairly popular, they come with various potentially dangeruos side effects and simply aren’t effective for everyone.

Thanks to limonene and alpha pinene, two chemical compounds found inside bergamot essential oil, this incredible product effectively treats depression in a completely safe way. These chemical compounds are both known for their abilities to stimulate the secretion of hormones that uplift one’s mood and relieve symptoms of depression that include sadness, a lack of motivation and feelings of hopelessness (source).

Inhaling the oil has also been shown to reduce mental fatigue which is a common symptom of depression (source).

The “Feel Good” Oil Diffuser Method

  1. Take the lid off of an oil diffuser. Fill its tank with water to the maximum fill line.
  2. Remove the cap from a bottle of bergamot essential oil. Angle the bottle so that the spout is leaning over the water in the oil diffuser.
  3. Gently tap the side of the bottle to pour about five drops into the tank of the oil diffuser.
  4. Place the lid back onto the oil diffuser and plug the diffuser into an outlet.
  5. Turn on the oil diffuser and focus on taking deep breaths as the vapor fills the room.

4. Get Fast Relief from Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps can be a debilitating symptom of a woman’s monthly cycle. Equally challenging is the search for a remedy that works as quickly as possible. Luckily, bergamot oil can treat cramps in no time.

As an antispasmodic, bergamot essential oil has the unique ability to relieve menstrual cramps by relaxing the muscles surrounding the uterus that contract as a result of menstruation. Once these muscles are relaxed, circulation increases to this area and the pain disappears (source).

The Cramp-Busting Topical Method

  1. Remove the cap from a bottle of bergamot essential oil.
  2. Tilt the bottle of oil over a small bowl so that its spout is facing down.
  3. Tap the side of the bottle to release ten drops of oil into the bowl.
  4. Pour three tablespoons of a carrier oil such as olive oil or jojoba oil into the bowl.
  5. Stir the mixture together with a whisk or a fork to ensure that the ingredients are combined.
  6. Dip your fingertips into the oil mixture and rub your palms together vigorously.
  7. With both hands, massage the oil onto the skin of the lower abdomen in circular motions. Continue to massage the oil into the skin until it has been completely absorbed.

5. Improve Your Complexion by Reducing Acne Marks and Blemishes

Acne marks and blemishes are fairly common skin complaints and people are willing to spend loads of money on products that are full of harsh and potentially toxic ingredients. However, bergamot essential oil can treat these skin woes without any side effects by naturally encouraging the production of new, healthy skin cells.

Bergamot essential oil acts as a cicatrizant, meaning that it fades discoloration of the skin quickly and permanently. Cicatrizants promote healing of the skin by increasing the rate of skin cell growth. As new skin cells regenerate, damaged skin cells fade quickly (source).

6. Eliminate Fungal Infections without Antibiotics or Harsh Chemicals

Fungal infections can exist inside the body or externally on the skin. Common fungal infections include candida and athlete’s foot. Fungal infections can often spread to other parts of the body if not treated quickly. Luckily, bergamot essential oil is capable of treating most types of fungal infections quickly and permanently thanks to its strong anti-fungal properties.

Studies have proven bergamot oil’s ability to quickly kill fungal infections. One study compared the effectiveness of ingesting of bergamot oil to the ingestion of popular anti-fungal medications when treating candida. The study concluded that bergamot essential oil is just as effective (source).

The Fungus-Destroying Ingestion Method

  1. Fill a large drinking glass with water.
  2. Remove the lid from a bottle of bergamot essential oil.
  3. Tilt the bottle of oil so that its spout faces the water.
  4. With one finger, tap the side of the bottle lightly to release about three drops into the water.
  5. Stir the oil into the water for about 20 seconds.
  6. Drink the glass of water. You may do this daily.

The “Happy Skin” Topical Spray Method

  1. Remove the lid from a 20oz empty and clean spray bottle.
  2. Twist the cap off of your bottle of bergamot oil. Tilt the bottle at an angle so that its mouth is facing the mouth of the spray bottle.
  3. Shake the bottle to release about 30 drops into the spray bottle.
  4. Fill the rest of the spray bottle up with water.
  5. Twist the lid back onto the spray bottle. Shake the bottle vigorously for 40 seconds.
  6. Spray this mixture onto the affected area twice daily.

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7. Improve Your Overall Respiratory Health Instantly

Bergamot essential oil is a known decongestant that can be found in many over-the-counter cough medications (source). Congestion is the result of phlegm that is extremely thick, eventually lining the respiratory tract and resulting in difficulty when breathing. Bergamot essential oil has the ability to break up mucus that can cause congestion along the respiratory tract by thinning it out when inhaled (source).

Bergamot essential oil also has anti-inflammatory properties that give it the ability to soothe a sore and inflamed throat. When the throat is inflamed, it can become sore and irritated, leading to coughing and pain. Plus, the oil’s antibacterial properties will kill any bacterial infections of the respiratory tract that can cause common symptoms such as a sore throat, congestion and difficulty breathing.

The “Deep Breath” Inhalation Method

  1. Twist the cap off of a bottle of bergamot essential oil.
  2. Turn the bottle upside down over one palm.
  3. Shake the bottle, allowing about ten drops to fall into your palm.
  4. Put the bottle of bergamot essential oil aside. Dip one finger into the small pool of oil in your palm.
  5. With that finger, dab the oil onto your chest and directly underneath your nostrils.
  6. Focus on taking deep, long breaths through your nose over the next few hours.

8. Reduce a Fever and Feel Better Fast

Common over-the-counter fever reducers work effectively but they are dangerous to take in large quantities. Luckily, bergamot essential oil has been shown to reduce fevers when applied topically to the skin.

Bergamot oil acts as a mental stimulant that causes the brain to secrete high levels of hormones. This completely safe process causes the body’s temperature to lower, making the oil capable of reducing a fever quickly (source). Additionally, as bergamot essential oil has antibacterial properties, it can kill a bacterial infection that is causing the fever in the first place.

The Fever-Reducing Inhalation Method

  1. Remove the cap from your bottle of bergamot essential oil.
  2. Bring the bottle of oil up to your nose so that its spout is directly under one nostril.
  3. For one minute, take long, deep nasal breaths.

9. Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

With its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, bergamot essential oil can safely help you maintain good overall oral health. The germ-killing chemical compounds in bergamot help protect against cavities, gum disease and tooth decay. Bergamot is safe to ingest, eliminating the risk of harming the body if accidentally swallowed. Plus, the pleasant citrus scent of bergamot acts as a natural deodorant, masking the odors associated with bad breath (source).

The “Healthy Mouth” Oral Rinse Method

  1. Fill a drinking glass with one half of a cup of water.
  2. Twist the lid off of a bottle of bergamot oil. Angle the bottle so that its spout faces the mouth of the drinking glass.
  3. Shake the bottle of oil so that about ten drops fall into the water.
  4. Quickly pour all of the contents of the glass into your mouth and swish for 60 seconds.
  5. Spit the rinse out. You may do this twice each day.

10. Treat Cuts and Scrapes without Pain

Many over-the-counter antibacterial products for cuts and scrapes contain harsh chemicals that can cause tremendous pain when applied to the affected area. Bergamot oil has strong antibacterial properties (source) that can prevent infections of cuts and scrapes without causing any pain (source). Various studies have shown that bergamot essential oil’s antibacterial properties can reduce the risk of infections tremendously.

Plus, bergamot essential oil encourages the growth of healthy skin cells, allowing the scars from cuts and scrapes to fade more quickly. Therefore, you can continue to apply the oil to cuts and scrapes long after the skin has closed so that the wound will heal at a faster rate.

11. Treat Common Digestive Issues by Improving Overall Digestive Health

Indigestion is a common ailment that we all experience from time to time. It’s caused by the digestive tract’s struggle to break down food, leading to pain after consuming a meal. This pain can be debilitating and chronic. Additionally, when food is not broken down properly, people often experience painful gas and bloating.

Bergamot oil increases the secretion of digestive juices that help break food down quickly, allowing it to pass through the digestive tract with ease. Therefore, ingesting bergamot essential oil can greatly reduce indigestion and prevent painful gas and bloating (source).

Because of its antibacterial properties, the oil can also kill bacterial infections along the digestive tract that can lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea and abdominal pain. This includes the various bacteria associated with food poisoning.

The “Happy Tummy” Oral Digestive Aid Method

  1. Fill a tall drinking glass with water.
  2. Remove the cap from your bottle of bergamot oil. Tilt the bottle so that its spout is facing the mouth of the glass.
  3. Gently shake the bottle of oil so that about four drops fall into the water.
  4. Stir this mixture vigorously for about 20 seconds.
  5. Drink the glass of water quickly after a meal. You may do this daily.

12. Treat Headaches and Other Common Pains without Strong Medications

Thanks to bergamot essential oil, there’s a natural and totally safe way to treat pain. Many people suffer from various types of pain such as headaches and joint pain from time to time. Next time you’re in pain, instead of reaching for a pain medication that has a list of dangerous side effects, grab a bottle of bergamot oil.

Bergamot essential oil’s analgesic properties have been well-documented. Analgesics reduce pain by decreasing the brain’s sensitivity to pain receptors that are communicated through the nervous system. With so many dangerous side effects associated with popular pain relievers, it’s a relief to know that this essential oil can reduce pain without any side effects (source).

The “Pain Be Gone” Topical Application Method

  1. Remove the lid from a 20oz plastic bottle that is clean and empty.
  2. Remove the lid from a bottle of bergamot essential oil.
  3. Position the bottle of oil at an angle so that its mouth is facing the mouth of the plastic bottle.
  4. Shake the bottle of oil so that it releases about 40 drops of bergamot oil into the plastic bottle.
  5. With a funnel, fill the rest of the plastic bottle up with a thin carrier oil such as olive oil or sweet almond oil.
  6. Twist the lid back onto the plastic bottle and shake the bottle vigorously to combine the two oils.
  7. Whenever you feel pain, pour about one tablespoon of this oil mixture into one palm. Then, rub both palms together vigorously. Massage this oil into the skin of the affected area until it has been completely absorbed.

13. Smell Fresh Naturally by Making DIY Bergamot Deodorant

Bergamot essential oil acts as a natural deodorant, masking bad smells with a pleasant citrus scent that is similar to oranges. Therefore, this oil acts as a great natural deodorant. Many commercial deodorant products have been linked to problems like kidney disease and hormonal imbalances thanks to the harsh chemicals they contain that get absorbed through the skin. Essential oils, on the other hand, are completely natural and safe to use (source).

As a natural deodorant, bergamot essential oil can also be used to deodorize places in your home which tend to develop unpleasant odors. As an antibacterial, bergamot essential oil will kill the odor as well as any germs that may be causing the odor.

The “Fresh and Clean” DIY Deodorant Spray

  1. Remove the cap from a 10oz empty plastic spray bottle.
  2. Twist off the cap of a bottle of bergamot essential oil.
  3. Angle the bottle of bergamot oil so that its spout is facing the mouth of the spray bottle.
  4. Shake the oil bottle so that about 30 drops fall into the spray bottle.
  5. Fill the rest of the spray bottle with water and twist the cap back on.
  6. Shake the bottle vigorously to combine the water and the oil.
  7. Spray this mixture on your body once each day. You may also use this spray to deodorize your home.

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Bergamot Essential Oil FAQ

What is Bergamot Essential Oil?

Bergamot essential oil is the oil that is separated from the rind of the bergamot orange plant. For centuries, it has been used as a perfume as well as a treatment for a variety of physical and mental health ailments. It is also used as a flavoring agent in Earl Grey tea (source).

What are the Uses of Bergamot Essential Oil?

Bergamot essential oil has a wide variety of uses thanks to its large number of healing properties found in its various chemical compounds. It is used primarily for its analgesic, antibacterial, antispasmodic, antiseptic, anti-fungal, anti-anxiety and antidepressant abilities (source).

Additionally, the oil is commonly used in perfumes because of its pleasant orange-like scent. For centuries, women have been using bergamot essential oil as a perfume around the world.

What is the Composition of Bergamot Essential Oil?

Bergamot essential oil contains high levels of limonene, linalyl acetate, linalool, γ-terpinene and β-pinene. The oil also contains citropten, 5-geranyloxy-7-methoxycoumarin, bergapten and bergamottin.

How is Bergamot Essential Oil Made?

Bergamot essential oil is made using the cold-pressing method. The rinds of the bergamot orange fruit are removed and then the oil is pressed out of them by applied pressure (source).

Does Bergamot Essential Oil Work?

Bergamot essential oil’s ability to treat a wide variety of ailments has been scientifically proven thanks to decades of detailed research (source).

How Can Bergamot Essential Oil be Taken?

For Adults

Bergamot essential oil can safely be applied topically to the skin for the treatment of external conditions such as fungal infections and headaches. However, pregnant women are advised to not apply the oil topically. It can be inhaled in order to reap its mood-enhancing and decongestant abilities. Bergamot essential oil is also safe to ingest in small quantities (source).

For Children

Bergamot essential oil can be applied topically to the skin to treat conditions like scrapes and cuts as well as pain. It can safely be inhaled to treat ailments such as anxiety and respiratory congestion. It is unsafe for children to ingest large quantities of bergamot essential oil (source).

What are the Side Effects of Bergamot Essential Oil?

Bergamot essential oil can lower blood sugar levels. It also makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight which can lead to sun damage (source).

Bergamot Essential Oil Facts

Botanical name: Citrus bergamia
Common method of extraction: cold-pressing
Plant part typically used: the rind
Color: green
Consistency: thin

Bergamot Essential Oil Benefits Infographic


Bergamot essential oil is so much more than a perfume and a flavoring agent for tea. This incredible oil boasts a tremendous variety of health benefits that can significantly improve your overall health.

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