Home / Cedarwood Oil / 14 Ways That Cedarwood Essential Oil Can Improve Your Health, Your Home And Your Family

14 Ways That Cedarwood Essential Oil Can Improve Your Health, Your Home And Your Family

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In addition to its appealing woodsy aroma, cedarwood essential oil offers an incredible amount of health benefits that may surprise you. Whether you suffer from arthritis or acne, cedarwood essential oil can definitely be useful to you. This affordable and incredibly fragrant essential oil can do it all and belongs in every household because of its tremendous variety of uses.

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Cedarwood Essential Oil Benefits Infographic

1. Get Rid of Acne Naturally for a Beautiful and Healthy Complexion

While there are many essential oils that have been shown to treat acne effectively, few combat this pesky skin condition more powerfully than cedarwood essential oil. The oil’s reputation for clearing up acne in no time comes from its highly unique combination of chemical compounds. These compounds give the oil astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that work together to eliminate pimples and keep the skin clear as can be (source).

Acne is caused by an overabundance of sebum in the pores. Sebum is an oil that is produced by the pores to keep the skin lubricated and free of dirt. However, many factors trigger an overproduction of sebum. These factors include hormonal imbalances, poor diet and even stress. When the pores produce too much sebum, they become clogged. Once the pores are clogged, they become filled with bacteria, resulting in an infection as well as inflammation. A pimple is simply an infected pore that has become inflamed, swollen, red and painful to the touch.

Of course, there are countless acne products available in drug stores. The problem, however, is that the majority of commercial acne products are filled with harsh and toxic filler ingredients like synthetic preservatives and sulfates. Many of these filler ingredients dry the skin out beyond belief, making it irritated, flaky and overall unhealthy (source).

Cedarwood essential oil, on the other hand, effectively treats acne without drying the skin out whatsoever. Studies have shown that the essential oil can eliminate acne quickly and effectively. Part of the oil’s unique ability to fight acne has to do with its astringent properties that protect the pores from dirt and bacteria. Cedarwood oil also balances out the skin’s production of sebum, preventing the pores from getting clogged and infected (source).

Because of cedarwood oil’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it can kill pimples practically overnight. Just one drop of the oil on each pimple will aggressively fight the infection and reduce inflammation.

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The Super Effective Acne Spot Treatment Method for a Gorgeously Clear Complexion

  1. Take off your cedarwood essential oil bottle’s cap by twisting it. Put the cap to the side.
  2. Pick up the cedarwood oil bottle and turn it upside-down over a small bowl. Tap the bottle’s top with your finger about four times so that three or four drops fall into the bowl.
  3. Remove the lid from a bottle of a carrier oil such as olive oil and put it down somewhere nearby. Turn the bottle it on its side. Very slowly, pour about five or six drops into the bowl.
  4. Stir the cedarwood essential oil and the carrier oil together with a small whisk or a fork for about 15 seconds.
  5. Dip a clean and unused q-tip into the oil mixture until the cotton of the q-tip is fully saturated in oil.
  6. Dab each pimple once with the q-tip. Do not rinse the oil off when you are done. Instead, try to leave it on overnight. You may do this once each night before bedtime until the pimples have faded.

The Topical Application Method for Those with Oily Skin

  1. Twist off an apple cider vinegar bottle’s cap. Place it aside.
  2. Clean an empty 10oz spray bottle thoroughly with hot water and soap.
  3. Place a funnel into the spray bottle’s opening.
  4. Measure out one tablesppon of apple cider vinegar. Pour it into the spray bottle.
  5. Put the apple cider vinegar bottle’s lid back on.
  6. Take the cedarwood essential oil bottle’s lid off by unscrewing it. Put the cap aside.
  7. Hold the cedarwood oil bottle upside-down right above the apple cider vinegar that’s in the spray bottle.
  8. Shake the cedarwood essential oil bottle so that around ten drops fall into the vinegar.
  9. Screw the cap back onto the cedarwood oil bottle.
  10. Tightly screw the cap back onto the 10oz spray bottle. Shake the bottle for about 30 seconds.
  11. Twice each day, thoroughly spray your face with this DIY toner to keep skin free of excess oil.

2. Achieve Relief from Painful Arthritis Quickly and Effectively

Although we associate arthritis with seniors, the reality is that this condition affects people of all ages. For those who suffer from arthritis, everyday tasks can be excruciatingly painful.

Arthritis is a condition in which the joints of the body are chronically inflamed, resulting in stiffness and potentially severe pain. Typically, arthritis progresses as one ages, becoming more painful as time goes on (source).

Many people who suffer from arthritis turn to over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications. The problem is that these medications can have severe side effects if they are taken too frequently. These side effects include damage to the stomach lining and kidney failure (source).

Because arthritis is a chronic condition, it’s important that sufferers turn to an anti-inflammatory drug that can be taken regularly without putting the them at risk of terrible side effects. Fortunately, cedarwood essential oil’s anti-inflammatory properties can reduce inflammation of the joints, resulting in relief from arthritis symptoms. Cedarwood oil can be applied topically to the skin to reduce inflammation and does not come with any of the dangerous side effects associated with most anti-inflammatory drugs (source).

Cedarwood essential oil treats arthritis by absorbing through the skin and permeating the joint tissue. Once the oil reaches the joint tissue, it quickly reduces inflammation, resulting in decreased pain, stiffness and swelling.

In fact, some over-the-counter arthritis creams contain cedarwood essential oil as an ingredient (source).

The Pain-Relieving Topical Application Method for Stiff and Painful Joints

  1. After removing its lid, clean a 20oz plastic squeeze bottle thoroughly with soap and warm water.
  2. Take the cap off of a bottle containing a carrier oil that has a thin consistency. Jojoba oil, olive oil and avocado oil are great examples.
  3. Position a funnel inside the empty squeeze bottle’s mouth.
  4. Holding the carrier oil bottle at an angle, fill the squeeze bottle to the top with oil.
  5. Put the cap back onto the carrier oil bottle.
  6. With a twisting motion, take off the cedarwood oil bottle’s cap. Put this cap somewhere off to the side.
  7. Holding the bottle of cedarwood essential oil upside-down over the carrier oil inside of the squeeze bottle, shake out about 20 drops of oil.
  8. Screw the essential oil’s cap back onto the bottle.
  9. Tightly twist the lid onto the squeeze bottle containing the two oils. Shake it for around 45 seconds so that the two ingredients are completely mixed.
  10. Squeeze about two tablespoons of this mixture of oils into your hand. Then, rub your hands together vigorously for about ten seconds to evenly coat both palms.
  11. Massage the mixture of oils into the skin on top of the affected areas of your body. Using circular motions, massage continuously until the oil has absorbed into the skin. You may do this once in the morning and once at night each day.

3. Keep Insects at Bay with a Great-Smelling Bug Repellent

If you’re looking for a safe and natural way to keep bugs away, cedarwood essential oil is the way to go. For decades, this oil has been recognized as a highly effective and completely safe insecticide that can keep all kinds of insects away.

Cedarwood essential oil is particularly effective at keeping moths away. Moths are naturally repelled by the scent of cedar. For this reason, many people place cedar chips in their closets (source).

One recent study proved that cedarwood essential oil will keep ants and black-legged ticks away as well. Because black-legged ticks can carry Lyme disease, a potentially life-threatening illness, cedarwood essential oil can literally save one’s life (source).

Cedarwood essential oil can keep insects away without harming your health. Many commercial bug repellents and insecticides contain toxic ingredients that can wreak havoc on one’s health if used frequently. Side effects of excessive exposure to these commercial bug sprays include brain damage and damage to the kidneys, liver and endocrine system (source).

The Natural and Safe Insect-Repelling Spray Method for a Bug-Free Life

  1. Twist off the cap of a 20oz plastic spray bottle. Put the cap somewhere nearby.
  2. Clean the inside of the spray bottle with soap and water.
  3. Place the spray bottle’s mouth directly under the faucet of your sink. Turn the water on and fill the bottle to the top with water.
  4. Take off the cedarwood essential oil bottle’s lid by unscrewing it. Pick up the cedarwood essential oil bottle in one hand.
  5. Hold the cedarwood oil bottle upside-down with its mouth right above the water in the spray bottle.
  6. Shake the cedarwood essential oil bottle vigorously above the water in the spray bottle until about 20 drops have fallen into the spray bottle.
  7. Put the cap back onto the cedarwood oil bottle.
  8. Using a twisting motion, tightly screw the cap back onto the plastic spray bottle containing the water and the essential oil.
  9. Shake the spray bottle containing the water and the cedarwood oil up and down for about 45 seconds. This will mix the water and the oil together thoroughly.
  10. Use this spray to keep insects off of your body, out of your home and out of your garden.

4. Achieve Fast Stress Relief with this Natural Sedative

When it comes to using aromatherapy to treat anxiety and stress, lavender essential oil is often the first thing that comes to mind. Interestingly, however, cedarwood essential oil is also extremely effective when it comes to reducing feelings of stress and anxiety and works as a natural sedative (source).

One study found that rats that inhaled cedarwood essential oil exhibited less hyperactivity. The study concluded that cedarwood essential oil acts as a natural sedative by slowing down the nervous system (source).

Another study demonstrated cedarwood essential oil’s effects on the nervous system when inhaled. When a person is experiencing stress or anxiety, they secrete a hormone called cortisol that triggers a “fight or flight” response in the brain. The nervous system responds to the presence of this hormone by raising the person’s heart rate and rate of breath. Anyone who has experienced an anxiety attack is familiar with the sensations of rapid breathing and a racing heartbeat. This study proves that inhaling cedarwood oil will slow down the nervous system, returning a person’s heart rate and rate of breath to normal (source).

In fact, cedarwood essential oil’s calming effects are similar to those of prescription anti-anxiety medications. However, prescription anti-anxiety medications are notorious for their dangerous side effects and addictive nature. Inhaling cedarwood essential oil, fortunately, is not addictive and poses no risk of side effects (source).

The Oil Diffuser Method for Total Relief from Stress and Anxiety

  1. Take off the lid of your oil diffuser. If you don’t own an oil diffuser, you can easily find one online at an affordable price.
  2. Make sure that the inside of the tank of your oil diffuser is completely clean and that it does not smell like any other essential oils that have been in there previously. To thoroughly wash the tank of your oil diffuser, you can wipe it down with a soapy washcloth and rinse it out repeatedly with hot water.
  3. Hold the oil diffuser under your sink’s faucet, making sure that the tank is directly below the mouth of the faucet. Turn the water on and fill the tank with water, not going above the maximum fill line. Then, place the oil diffuser on a surface.
  4. Take off the cedarwood oil bottle’s cap by unscrewing it. Hold it in one hand and angle it, positioning the bottle’s spout right above the water in the tank of the oil diffuser.
  5. Using your index finger, gently hit the side of the cedarwood essential oil bottle about four or five times so that around four or five drops fall into the tank full of water.
  6. Place the cap back onto the cedarwood oil bottle by screwing it tightly.
  7. Tightly place the lid back onto the tank of the oil diffuser.
  8. Put the oil diffuser on a surface in the room in which you will be sitting. Plug the oil diffuser into an outlet that is nearby.
  9. Push the power button of the oil diffuser to turn it on. As soon as you’ve turned it on, you should see vapor leaving the top of the diffuser and you should clearly smell the fragrance of cedarwood essential oil.
  10. To reap the full benefits of this method, stay in the room with the oil diffuser for as long as possible and take deep breaths.

The Quick Inhalation Method to Stop Anxiety Attacks Immediately

  1. Take off your cedarwood oil bottle’s cap and hold it in one hand or put it down somewhere nearby.
  2. Hold the cedarwood essential oil bottle up to your nose so that its mouth is directly beneath one nostril.
  3. While holding the essential oil bottle directly below one nostril, take ten long, deep cleansing breaths. You should quickly feel relief from anxiety and stress. You may continue to do this until the anxiety attack has completely subsided.

5. Eliminate a Variety of Fungal Infections Safely

Thanks to the strong anti-fungal properties of cedarwood essential oil, you can knock out fungal infections of all kinds safely and naturally. Like many essential oils, cedarwood has been scientifically proven to kill various types of fungus thanks to its unique chemical composition (source).

Several studies have researched the oil’s usefulness as a fungicide for wood. Because cedarwood essential oil is capable of killing so many types of fungus, it’s frequently used as a treatment to protect wood from rotting (source).

Cedarwood essential oil’s anti-fungal properties make it an excellent alternative to popular commercial anti-fungal creams. Common external fungal infections like toenail fungus and athlete’s foot don’t stand a chance against this extremely potent anti-fungal remedy (source).

Cedarwood essential oil can also be used to treat internal fungal infections (source). For example, candidiasis, also known as a yeast infection, is a common internal fungal infection that can affect various parts of the body, having the potential to wreak havoc on the digestive system, the mouth and the genitals. Cedarwood essential oil has been shown to treat yeast infections effectively (source).

Fascinatingly, new studies suggest that excess stress can actually cause internal yeast infections as well. Because cedarwood essential oil is a known sedative, it can be effective at preventing yeast infections that are caused by stress (source).

The Topical Application Method for Killing Various Fungal Infections

  1. Purchase a spray bottle that can hold 20oz of liquid. Clean it by pouring one squirt of liquid soap into it, filling it with hot water, placing the lid back on and shaking it up and down for 30 seconds. Then, remove the cap and rinse the soap out with warm water.
  2. Unscrew the cap from the spray bottle. Inside the bottle’s mouth, place a small funnel.
  3. Twist off the cap of a bottle of pure, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Fill the 20oz spray bottle with apple cider vinegar by turning the bottle on its side directly above the funnel.
  4. Screw on the cap of the apple cider vinegar bottle.
  5. With your wrist, twist the cap off of the cedarwood oil bottle. Hold it above the vinegar in the spray bottle in an upside-down position.
  6. Shake the cedarwood oil bottle aggressively, counting as about 30 drops go into the spray bottle. Screw on the cedarwood essential oil bottle’s cap.
  7. Return the cap to the 20oz spray bottle containing the vinegar and the cedarwood essential oil. Make sure that the cap is on tightly.
  8. Shake the spray bottle for 50 seconds, ensuring that the two ingredients are combined.
  9. Spray this oil combination directly onto any fungal infections. If you have an internal fungal infection, spraying this oil all over the body will allow it to absorb through the skin and into the bloodstream.

6. Treat Unsightly Hair Loss with a Simple Oil Treatment

One of the most effective treatments for hair loss is cedarwood essential oil. By simply massaging the oil into the scalp, it will stimulate hair growth.

One study used a combination of cedarwood, thyme, rosemary and lavender essential oils on the scalps of 86 patients who suffered from alopecia areata. The study found the essential oil combination to be highly successful at stimulating new hair growth (source).

As an anti-inflammatory, cedarwood essential oil increases circulation to the scalp, stimulating hair follicles. Additionally, with its astringent, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, cedarwood essential oil can clear up skin infections of the scalp that can lead to hair loss (source).

Cedarwood essential oil is known to control the skin’s production of sebum. When certain factors like hormonal changes trigger an overproduction of sebum, the pores can become clogged, infected and inflamed. If the hair follicles are clogged and infected, hair growth will slow down dramatically or cease completely.

The Amazing Oil Treatment for Stimulating Hair Growth Naturally

  1. Place a small bowl onto a surface in your home like a table or a countertop.
  2. Grab a measuring cup. Put it next to the bowl.
  3. Grab a carrier oil that is thin enough to spread easily onto the skin of the scalp. A thin carrier oil such as jojoba oil or olive oil will work fine.
  4. Take off the lid of the carrier oil bottle. Tilting the carrier oil bottle, pour one third of a cup of oil into the measuring cup. Transfer this oil into the small bowl.
  5. Remove the cedarwood essential oil bottle’s lid. Hold the bottle of essential oil in one hand and angle it, ensuring that the oil bottle’s spout is leaning over the bowl containing the carrier oil.
  6. Very gently, shake the cedarwood essential oil bottle. While you shake it, allow around six drops to pour into the bowl.
  7. Put on the cedarwood essential oil bottle’s cap. Stir the two oils together with a fork for about 15 seconds.
  8. Once each day, massage this oil mixture onto your scalp. You can do this by pouring the oil mixture into one hand that is in a cupped position. Then, pour the oil mixture from your hand directly onto your scalp. Immediately begin massaging the oil mixture into the entire scalp area with both hands for about 60 seconds. Do not rinse it off.

7. Find Fast Headache Relief with Aromatherapy

Cedarwood essential oil can treat headaches in a variety of ways. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, the oil can eliminate headache pain when applied topically to the affected area. The anti-inflammatory chemical compounds in cedarwood oil absorb through the skin and enter the inflamed muscular tissue, stimulating circulation, reducing swelling and easing tension (source).

One study tested cedarwood essential oil’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic abilities on rats. The study concluded that cedarwood essential oil, when applied topically to the affected area, is a highly effective pain reliever (source).

Although oral over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs are a popular choice when it comes to treating headaches, they come with side effects and are dangerous when taken in high doses. Another problem with oral anti-inflammatory drugs is that they take at least 30 minutes to work because they must travel through the digestive system. Cedarwood essential oil, on the other hand, is safe to use and works quickly because it absorbs through the skin (source).

One of the most common headache causes is stress and emotional tension. In fact, many people who suffer from anxiety experience frequent headaches. Because cedarwood essential oil is a natural sedative, it can alleviate anxiety and stress, prevent headaches altogether (source).

Additionally, cedarwood essential oil is an expectorant, meaning that it breaks up congestion in the sinus passages. Sinus headaches result from congestion in the sinus passages, leaving the tissue along the sinus cavity inflamed and swollen. When cedarwood essential oil is inhaled, mucus almost instantly breaks up and drains out of the sinus passages, providing quick relief from sinus tension (source).

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The Quick Topical Application Method for Immediate Headache or Migraine Relief

  1. Find a clean and unused cotton ball. Set it aside.
  2. Unscrew the cedarwood essential oil bottle’s cap off and put it down somewhere that is close by.
  3. Pick up the cotton ball and press it against the mouth of the cedarwood essential oil bottle.
  4. Holding the cedarwood essential oil bottle in one hand and the cotton ball in the other, flip the bottle around so that the mouth is facing the ground and the cotton ball is still pressed against the bottle’s mouth.
  5. Still holding the cotton ball firmly against the mouth of the cedarwood essential oil bottle, tap the essential oil bottle’s side a few times until you can see the cotton ball getting slightly wet with the essential oil. Allow about five drops of essential oil to fall onto the cotton ball.
  6. Put the cedarwood essential oil bottle down.
  7. Pour about one tablespoon of a carrier oil like jojoba oil or sweet almond oil into a small bowl.
  8. Dip the cotton ball once into the bowl containing the carrier oil. The cotton ball should now be fully saturated with oil but not dripping.
  9. Dab the oil-soaked cotton ball onto each temple, onto the center of the forehead and onto the patch of skin just beneath the nostrils. Within five to ten minutes, you should feel relief from your headache. You may do this again if the headache has not fully dissipated within 20 minutes.

The Stress-Relieving and Congestion-Busting Inhalation Method for Treating Tension Headaches and Sinus Headaches

  1. Pick up your bottle of cedarwood essential oil in your hand. With the other hand, remove its cap and place it on a surface nearby.
  2. Hold the cedarwood essential oil bottle up to your nose. The spout of the oil bottle should be right below one nostril.
  3. Slowly breathe in and out for about one minute. You should feel the tension dissipate and your congestion should clear up quickly. You can repeat this process a few times until the headache has completely disappeared.

8. Treat Wounds Safely and Painlessly

Cedarwood essential oil can disinfectant wounds thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. While many over-the-counter antiseptic creams contain ingredients like alcohol that can cause tremendous pain when in contact with open wounds, cedarwood essential oil treats wounds painlessly (source).

The Quick and Simple Wound-Cleaning Method for Cuts and Scrapes

    1. Place an unused and clean cotton ball onto a clean surface.
    2. Measure out one tablespoon of a carrier oil and pour it into a small bowl. Try to use a carrier oil that is not sticky. Good examples are coconut oil, olive oil and jojoba oil.
    3. Screw the cap back onto the carrier oil bottle and place it aside.
    4. After unscrewing its cap, pour about four drops of cedarwood essential oil into the carrier oil that’s in the bowl. To do this, simply tilt the cedarwood essential oil bottle at an angle, making sure that the oil bottle’s spout is right above the carrier oil. Then, either lightly shake or gently tap the side of the bottle so that one drop falls out at a time.
    5. Put the cap back onto the cedarwood essential oil bottle.
    6. Mix the two oils together for about 15 seconds. You may do this with a small whisk or a fork.
    7. Dip the clean cotton ball into the oil mixture. Try to saturate the cotton ball with oil by holding it in the oil mixture for about five seconds.
    8. Dab the oil-soaked cotton ball directly onto the wound. Make sure that you also get oil onto the skin surrounding the wound. You may do this three times each day until the wound has fully healed.

9. Say Goodbye to Unsightly Eczema without Harsh and Drying Skin Creams

Thanks to cedarwood essential oil’s powerful anti-inflammatory properties, it can treat common inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema. This condition, which causes the skin to itch and develop dry white or yellow patches, can occur in people of all ages. In addition to the discomfort that it causes, eczema can be extremely embarrassing as it affects the appearance of the skin (source).

The problem with most over-the-counter topical creams for eczema is that they only work temporarily by using steroids to suppress the hormones that are responsible for the inflammation. Plus, over time, these popular creams become less and less effective. In fact, many people who use these creams to treat their eczema become physically dependent on them, experiencing severe symptoms as soon as they stop using them (source).

For this reason, it’s better to turn to a natural anti-inflammatory product like cedarwood essential oil. This oil doesn’t contain steroids. Therefore, it’s safe to use daily without the risk of dependency.

The Oil Application Method for Inflammation-Free Skin

    1. Purchase a 20oz plastic squeeze bottle with a cap that twists off.
    2. Clean the inside of the bottle thoroughly with hot water and soap.
    3. Grab a funnel and put it inside of the opening of the plastic squeeze bottle.
    4. Grab a bottle containing a carrier oil that will easily spread on the skin. Use a carrier oil that is on the thinner side and isn’t sticky. Avocado oil, jojoba oil and sweet almond oil work very well.
    5. Remove the carrier oil bottle’s cap. Tilt the carrier oil bottle so that its opening is leaning toward the opening of the plastic squeeze bottle.
    6. Pour enough carrier oil into the plastic squeeze bottle to fill it to the top.
    7. Put the carrier oil bottle away. Pick up your cedarwood essential oil bottle and unscrew its lid. Put the lid down on a nearby surface.
    8. With the funnel still in the mouth of the squeeze bottle, pour about 15 drops of oil into the carrier oil. To do this, simply position the cedarwood essential oil bottle upside-down and right above the funnel. Then, shake the bottle of cedarwood oil gently until the right amount of oil droplets fall out.
    9. After screwing its cap back on, put the cedarwood essential oil bottle away.
    10. Tightly return the cap to the spray bottle containing the two oils. Then, vigorously shake the 20oz squeeze bottle for about 45 seconds. This will allow the two oils to mix with each other.
    11. Every night after washing your face thoroughly, squeeze out enough of this oil mixture into your palm to cover your face. About one tablespoon should be adequate.
    12. Rub your hands together so that there is an even amount of oil on each palm. Then, using little circular motions, massage the cedarwood oil mixture into the skin of your face. Massage the oil for about 60 seconds until the skin has mostly absorbed it.

10. Kiss Insomnia Goodbye and Get a Good Night’s Sleep at Last

An astounding 33 percent of adults suffer from some form of insomnia. Those who suffer from severe insomnia may only sleep a couple of hours each night, resulting in extreme sleep deprivation. When a person is deprived of sleep, their mood is negatively affected and they may find it difficult to concentrate throughout the day (source).

Extremely severe sleep deprivation can lead to a variety of physical health ailments as well. In addition to putting a person at risk of stroke or heart attack, extreme sleep deprivation is very taxing on the immune system, making a person much more susceptible to infection.

The pharmaceutical industry has flooded the market with various types of sleeping pills. While many of them are effective, none of them are intended for long-term use. Taking sleeping pills too frequently can lead to physical addiction, making a person incapable of falling asleep without taking pills. Plus, many people build up a tolerance to sleeping pills very quickly.

Sleeping pills also come with various scary side effects that can cause serious physical harm. Needless to say, it’s better to turn to a safe, natural alternative if you need some help falling asleep at night (source).

Luckily, aromatherapy has been used for centuries to treat insomnia. Cedarwood essential oil is often used as a treatment for insomnia because of its ability to act as a sedative. Much like lavender, cedarwood essential oil slows down the nervous system, allowing a person to feel fully relaxed right before bedtime (source).

Many studies have confirmed the link between anxiety and insomnia. When a person has anxiety, it is incredibly difficult for the brain to relax enough to drift into sleep. Therefore, the tranquilizing effect of cedarwood essential oil can provide incredible relief to insomnia sufferers (source).

Interestingly, the inhalation of cedarwood essential oil triggers the secretion of serotonin, a hormone that is essential for sleep. Once darkness falls, serotonin is converted into melatonin, a hormone that makes us feel sleepy, relaxed and drowsy. Many of us are deficient in melatonin because of lifestyle factors that deplete this hormone. These factors include stress, alcohol and exposure to the lights that are emitted by devices like laptops and cell phones (source).

The “Sweet Dreams” Pillow Inhalation Method for Nightly Use

    1. Each night before you go to sleep, pour about four drops of cedarwood essential oil onto your pillow. To do this, angle the cedarwood essential oil bottle so that its spout is facing the pillow. Then, using your index or middle finger, hit the side of the bottle lightly. One by one, drops of cedarwood essential oil will fall out of the bottle and onto your pillow.

The “Deep Relaxation” Hot Bath Inhalation Method for Nighttime Use

    1. About an hour before you go to bed, fill your bathtub with warm to hot water. While the water is pouring into the tub, make sure that you keep the doors and windows shut. This will ensure that the room fills with as much steam as possible.
    2. While the water is still pouring into the tub, grab your bottle of cedarwood essential oil. Into the running water, pour about ten drops of cedarwood essential oil. You can do this by holding the cedarwood essential oil bottle in an upside-down position directly above the faucet and shaking it. As you shake the cedarwood essential oil bottle, you will see oil droplets fall out.
    3. Once the bathtub is filled, sit in the tub. Try to sit in the tub for at least 30 minutes while taking slow, deep breaths.

11. Treat ADHD and Focus Like Never Before

About 11 percent of children suffer from ADHD, a psychiatric condition characterized by hyperactivity and an inability to focus. Children who suffer from this condition typically have a difficult time in school because they struggle to spend hours at a time sitting in their desks and to concentreate on their education (source).

In the last couple of decades, new prescription drugs for ADHD have been developed and prescribed to both children and adults who suffer from the condition. The problem with these drugs is that they have some pretty serious side effects such as cardiac problems and growth suppression. Plus, these drugs have been proven to be highly addictive and are very easy to abuse (source).

Amazingly, new studies suggest that cedarwood essential oil is capable of treating the symptoms of ADHD such as difficulty with concentration and hyperactivity. As a known sedative, the drug can slow down the nervous system, allowing ADHD sufferers to comfortably sit still for longer periods of time. Additionally, cedarwood essential oil has the ability to deliver more oxygen to brain cells, resulting in increased focus and concentration (source).

The Easy and Totally Safe Inhalation Method for Relief from ADHD Symptoms and Amazing Concentration

    1. Each morning, pull out your oil diffuser and place it on a surface near a sink. If you don’t already have an oil diffuser, you can find one online.
    2. Lift off the cap of the tank of the oil diffuser. Smell the inside of the tank to make sure that there are no remnants of other essential oils. If you can smell other essential oils, simply rinse the tank out with hot water and soap.
    3. Position the oil diffuser tank directly under your faucet. Turn on the faucet and pour water into the tank right up to the maximum fill line.
    4. Place the oil diffuser onto a nearby surface.
    5. Remove the cedarwood essential oil bottle’s cap by unscrewing it. Place the oil bottle’s cap off to the side.
    6. Hold the cedarwood oil bottle right above the tank of the diffuser and flip the bottle so that its mouth is facing down. Then, shake the cedarwood essential oil bottle from side to side until around five drops have fallen into the tank of the oil diffuser.
    7. Put the cap back onto the cedarwood essential oil bottle. Then, snap the lid onto the oil diffuser.
    8. Put the oil diffuser onto a surface that is near a place where you will be seated for at least an hour. Plug the diffuser into an outlet.
    9. Turn on the oil diffuser by pressing its power button. Once the oil diffuser is on, strongly-scented vapor should begin leaving the tank in a steady stream.
    10. Sit back and take deep breaths as the cedarwood-scented vapor fills the room. Stay in the room for at least an hour to reap the oil’s benefits.

12. Treat Congestion Quickly to Breathe Deeply Once Again

As an expectorant, cedarwood essential oil can break up and thin mucus and phlegm that is clogging up the respiratory system. When the lungs, sinus passages and throat are congested, it can be difficult to breathe and can cause painful headaches. Inhaling cedarwood essential oil can provide fast relief so that you can breathe deeply once again (source).

This is good news as studies are coming out revealing the dangers of many over-the-counter expectorants. Nasal sprays, for example, can become addictive over time. Because over-the-counter nasal sprays work by dramatically constricting the blood vessels in the nose, they dry out the nose’s skin tissue. When these sprays are used over a long period of time, the nose becomes chronically dry, requiring constant doses of nasal spray to keep the nasal passages moisturized (source).

The Emergency Inhalation Method for Seriously Congested Airways

    1. Pick up the cedarwood essential bottle in one hand. With the other hand, unscrew its cap and put it aside.
    2. Move the cedarwood essential oil bottle up to your nose. Position the cedarwood oil bottle’s spout directly below one of your nostrils.
    3. Take seven-second breaths through your nose. As you inhale the cedarwood essential oil, you should feel the congestion breaking up and draining. Do this until your airways have totally cleared up.

The Topical Application Method for Upper Respiratory Congestion

    1. Place a small bowl onto a surface like a kitchen countertop.
    2. After removing its cap with a twisting motion, pick up the cedarwood essential oil bottle in one hand.
    3. Flip the cedarwood essential oil bottle upside-down. Then, move the bottle so that it is right above the small bowl.
    4. With your other hand, gently hit the bottle and count as four drops of cedarwood essential oil fall into the bowl.
    5. Return the cap to the cedarwood essential oil bottle and place it aside.
    6. Grab a bottle of carrier oil like olive oil or jojoba oil. You want to select a carry oil that spreads on the skin easily.
    7. Twist off the carrier oil bottle’s cap. Then, angle the carrier oil bottle in a way that positions its mouth right above the bowl. Fill the bowl with about three tablespoons of the carrier oil. If you’d like, you may use a measuring spoon to be more precise.
    8. Put the carrier oil bottle aside.
    9. With a whisk or a fork, stir the two oils together in the bowl for about 20 seconds.
    10. Dip all ten fingertips into the bowl containing the oil mixture. Then, massage the oil into your chest using circular motions. Massage the oil into the skin for about 60 seconds. You may do this twice a day.

13. Have Regular Periods without Horrible PMS Symptoms

Almost every woman experiences some form of PMS right before her monthly period. During this time of the month, estrogen levels rapidly rise, causing a sudden hormonal imbalance that can deliver many unwanted symptoms including mood swings, bloating, headaches and painful uterine cramps.

Many women turn to over-the-counter drugs for relief from PMS symptoms. Unfortunately, many of these PMS drugs contain high levels of caffeine. Those who are sensitive to caffeine may experience nervousness, hypertension and difficulty breathing as a result of ingesting these medications. Additionally, high caffeine levels can make anxiety, a common PMS symptom, much worse.

Women who suffer from PMS symptoms can benefit immensely from cedarwood essential oil. The oil’s various healing properties target several of the unwanted and unpleasant symptoms associated with menstruation.

Cedarwood essential oil also has powerful antispasmodic properties. In other words, the topical application of this oil will prevent painful spasms of the uterus that cause menstrual cramps. Best of all, cedarwood essential oil relieves cramps quickly because it takes only minutes to absorb through the skin. Over-the-counter pain relievers can take at least 30 minutes to work because they must move along the digestive tract before becoming effective (source).

The oil’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties make it a highly effective pain reliever for muscle cramps and headaches that are common with PMS. Simply massaging the skin with cedarwood essential oil can dramatically reduce pain within minutes.

Another common PMS symptom is increased stress and anxiety. In fact, studies have proven a strong link between PMS and an increase in the symptoms of mood disorders. As a natural sedative, cedarwood essential oil can dramatically reduce feelings of stress and anxiety that occur around the time of menstruation (source).

Lastly, cedarwood essential oil can treat sleep disturbances that are common around the time of menstruation by balancing out the body’s melatonin levels (source).

Cedarwood essential oil is actually capable of regulating the hormonal cycle as well. Many women suffer from irregular periods, resulting in periods that occur during random times throughout the month. As an emmenagogue, cedarwood essential oil balances hormones and regulates the menstrual cycle, leading to a more regular and easy period (source).

The Multi-Purpose Massage Oil Method for Beating PMS Pains and Alleviating Mood Swings

    1. After twisting off its cap, clean the inside of an empty 20oz plastic squeeze bottle with soap and water..
    2. Fill this squeeze bottle to the top with a carrier oil that spreads onto the skin easily. Pick a carrier oil that has a thinner consistency and isn’t sticky. To fill the squeeze bottle with oil, you may use a funnel..
    3. After unscrewing its lid, pick up your cedarwood essential oil bottle in one hand. Tilt the cedarwood oil bottle, positioning its spout above the opening of the 20oz squeeze bottle..
    4. Tap the cedarwood essential oil bottle’s side with one finger. Count as about 30 drops fall into the carrier oil inside of the squeeze bottle..
    5. Screw the cap tightly back onto the 20oz plastic squeeze bottle containing the two oils. With vigor, shake the bottle for about 50 seconds..
    6. Every day for about a week leading up to the start of your period, squeeze out a few tablespoons of oil into one palm. Rub both palms together and massage the oil into the skin. Do this all over your body once each day.

The Inhalation Method for Regulating Your Menstrual Cycle

    1. Into a small bowl, pour about one tablespoon of a carrier oil. Choose a carrier oil that does not have a sticky consistency. To pour the oil into the bowl, remove the carrier oil bottle’s lid and tilt the bottle over a tablespoon, filling the spoon completely. Then, empty the contents of the spoon into the bowl.
    2. Pour about five drops of cedarwood essential oil into the bowl by lightly shaking the bottle directly over the bowl. Put the essential oil bottle aside.
    3. Stir the two oils together for about 20 seconds.
    4. Dip a clean and unused cotton ball into the oil mixture. Then, dab the cotton ball onto the pressure points that correspond with female hormones. These pressure points are directly below the belly button, two inches above the inner ankles and on the base of the spine.

14. Clean Every Part of Your Home with Delicious-Smelling Cedarwood Essential Oil

Cedarwood essential oil can really do it all when it comes to cleaning your home. The oil boasts antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-fungal and insecticidal properties. Therefore, the oil works great as an all-purpose cleaning spray that is capable of killing germs, eliminating mold, repelling bugs and deodorizing your home with its amazing aroma.

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The Multi-Functional Spray Method for Creating a Healthy and Fresh-Smelling Household

    1. Clean out a 20oz plastic spray bottle with soap and water.
    2. Grab a funnel and put it into the spray bottle’s mouth. Then, fill the bottle to the top with white vinegar by tilting the bottle in the direction of the funnel.
    3. After twisting off its cap, angle your cedarwood essential oil bottle, placing its spout right above the spray bottle’s opening.
    4. Shaking the bottle, pour about 40 drops into the vinegar.
    5. Screw the cap back onto the cedarwood oil bottle. Put the cap tightly onto the 20oz spray bottle.
    6. Shake the spray bottle for one minute.
    7. Spray this mixture around your house to keep away mold, germs and dirt.

Cedarwood Essential Oil FAQ

What is Cedarwood Essential Oil?

Cedarwood essential oil, also known as cedar oil or cedarwood oil, comes from a variety of trees called conifers. The oil is composed primarily of the foliage of these trees. However, sometimes the wood and stumps are used as well (source).

For centuries, cedarwood essential oil has been used for its medicinal benefits. The oil is also used as a perfume, an insecticide, a fungicide and an antibacterial.

What are the Uses of Cedarwood Essential Oil?

Cedarwood essential oil has a wide variety of uses. The oil is used in aromatherapy as a sedative, calming down the nervous system and providing feelings of tranquility by triggering the secretion of hormones like serotonin that uplift the mood.

Cedarwood essential oil oil is also used as an insecticide and a fungicide. Additionally, the oil has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, allowing it to clean wounds as well as common household germs that may be dangerous.

Cedarwood essential oil boasts many medicinal benefits, mostly due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antiseptic and antispasmodic properties. The oil has analgesic properties as well, making it a potent pain reliever.

What is the Composition of Cedarwood Essential Oil?

Cedarwood essential oil is primarily composed of a-cedrene, b-cedrene, thujopsene, other sesquiterpenes, cedrol and widdrol (source).

How is Cedarwood Essential Oil Made?

Cedarwood essential oil is extracted using the solvent extraction method. This method involves soaking the foliage and the pulp of the wood in water for a long period of time. Then, the oil is filtered from the water (source).

Does Cedarwood Essential Oil Work?

Thanks to extensive scientific research over the last several decades, it has been proven that cedarwood essential oil offers a wide variety of medicinal benefits. Because of the oil’s chemical composition, it contains numerous healing properties.

How is Cedarwood Essential Oil Taken?


Cedarwood essential oil is often applied to children topically when diluted in a carrier oil for a variety of purposes. The oil can eliminate fungal infections, clean cuts and scrapes and repel insects. When inhaled, cedarwood oil can treat ADHD symptoms, break up congestion, promote sleep and act as a gentle and safe sedative.


Adults can reap a wide variety of benefits by using cedarwood essential oil. The topical application of cedarwood essential oil can treat many different types of pains including muscle pain, headaches and menstrual cramps. The oil can also clean wounds and ease congestion.

When applied to the skin, cedarwood essential oil can treat a variety of skin conditions including acne and eczema. When applied to the scalp, cedarwood essential oil can promote hair growth.

Adults may inhale cedarwood essential oil for its stress-relieving properties. Additionally, the oil promotes sleep and regulates hormones.

Additionally, the oil acts as an insecticide and fungicide.

Is Cedarwood Essential Oil Safe?

Cedarwood essential oil is completely safe to inhale. It is safe to apply topically to the skin when diluted with a carrier oil. Cedarwood essential oil is not safe to ingest in any quantity (source).

What are the Side Effects of Cedarwood Essential Oil?

When ingested, cedarwood essential oil can be poisonous and can cause nausea, vomiting and even death.

Some people may be irritated by the oil if it is applied directly to the skin. For this reason, it should always be diluted in a carrier oil.

Cedarwood essential oil should never come into contact with the eyes.

Medical Interactions

There are no known interactions between cedarwood essential oil and other medications.

Pregnant Women

It is recommended that cedarwood essential oil be avoided by pregnant women.


It is safe for children to inhale cedarwood essential oil. When applying the oil topically to a child’s skin, dilute it beforehand.

Ingesting Cedarwood Essential Oil

Cedarwood essential oil should never be ingested in any quantity as it may be toxic.

Facts About Cedarwood Essential Oil

Botanical name: Cedrus
Common method of extraction: solvent extraction
Plant part typically used: leaves and occasionally the wood and stumps
Color: pale yellow
Consistency: medium
Strength of aroma: medium
Aromatic scent: woodsy
Blends well with: lavender, rosemary, peppermint

Where Can I Buy Cedarwood Essential Oil?

It is easy to find cedarwood essential oil online. You may also find cedarwood essential oil in some grocery stores and specialty shops.

Cedarwood Essential Oil Benefits Infographic


As you now know, cedarwood essential oil is yet another must-have product for those who care about natural health. With so many incredible healing benefits, this oil can treat countless conditions quickly, effectively and safely.

If you have any friends who are obsessed with essential oils, send this article their way. If you have a favorite use for cedarwood essential oil, let us know below in the comments section.

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