Home / Basil Oil / 16 Facts About Basil Essential Oil That Will Blow Your Mind

16 Facts About Basil Essential Oil That Will Blow Your Mind

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Most people are familiar with basil because of the delicious taste that it brings to food. What many people don’t know, however, is that basil boasts a huge variety of health benefits that can drastically improve your overall well-being. When basil essential oil is extracted from the herb, what you end up with is a relatively affordable product that can do the work of countless household products and medicines in a totally safe and natural way.

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Basil Essential Oil Benefits Infographic

Health Benefits of Basil Essential Oil

1. Put an End to a Dangerous Bacterial Infection

Nowadays, it seems like most doctors prescribe antibiotics for everything. Doctors even prescribe antibiotics to fight viruses despite the fact that viruses are not bacterial in nature. Often, the result of taking too many antibiotics during one’s lifetime is a resistance to the bacteria-fighting abilities of these drugs. When this happens, a person is at a much higher risk of getting seriously ill from a bacterial infection (source).

That’s not the only thing wrong with taking too many antibiotics. It has been confirmed by science that the overuse of antibiotics can damage the digestive system. Antibiotics have the ability to wipe out both the good and bad bacteria that line the gut. When the good bacteria is killed in large numbers by these drugs, the intestines suffer, resulting in all kinds of unwanted symptoms from excessive gas to constipation.

The good news is that there is a wide variety of essential oils that are proven to kill bacterial infections effectively. Basil essential oil is renowned for its bacteria-killing properties. In fact, one study found that basil oil can kill life-threatening bacterial infections like Listeria and Salmonella (source).

In other words, basil essential oil can treat serious bacterial infections that many other drugs cannot. Another study found that a combination of rosemary and basil essential oils dramatically inhibit the growth of bacteria. The study found that these two oils can treat urinary tract infections, respiratory infections and E. coli (source).

Basil essential oil’s germ-fighting powers make it an excellent natural preservative for food. According to one study, the oil’s antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties can preserve packaged food (source).

Basil essential oil has been widely researched for its effect on urinary tract infections. In one study, patients who had urinary tract infections experienced fast relief because of the oil’s antimicrobial abilities (source).

The Bacteria-Fighting Ingestion Method

  1. Grab a drinking glass that can fit about eight ounces of liquid.
  2. Fill the glass with water. Depending on which you prefer, you may use filtered water or tap water.
  3. Set the glass down onto a surface. Then, twist off your basil essential oil bottle’s lid.
  4. Grasp the basil essential oil bottle in one hand and position it above the water inside of the drinking glass. Then, twist your wrist to angle the bottle in a way that places its spout a couple of inches above the water.
  5. Tap the side of the essential oil bottle gently, watching as about two drops pour out into the water.
  6. After screwing the basil essential oil bottle’s cap back on, stir the water and oil together with a small whisk or a spoon. Stir for about fifteen seconds to thoroughly combine the two ingredients.
  7. Quickly drink the water and basil essential oil mixture down. You may do this once each day to treat a bacterial infection.

The Painless Topical Application Method for External Infections

  1. Grab a cotton swab. If you don’t have cotton swabs in your home, they can be purchased at most convenience stores, grocery stores and pharmacies.
  2. Twist the cap off of your basil essential oil bottle and set it aside. Then, grip the bottle of oil in one hand. Pick up the cotton swab in the other hand.
  3. Firmly press the cotton swab against the spout of the basil essential oil bottle. Then, using your wrist, turn the basil oil bottle upside-down while the cotton swab is still firmly pressed against the spout.
  4. Very gently jiggle the basil essential oil bottle. This will allow a couple of drops of oil to fall onto the cotton swab. Once the cotton appears to be saturated with oil, you may put the basil oil bottle down.
  5. Dab the affected area with the oil-saturated cotton swab. Hold it firmly against the area for about twenty seconds. Do this up to three times each day.

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2. Kill Fungus Quickly with the Fresh Scent of Basil

As we just stated, basil essential oil’s anti-fungal properties give it the ability to act as a safe and natural food preservative. In a study, food was treated with basil essential oil in an effort to test its effects on various strains of toxic fungus. The study found that the oil is a potent anti-fungal product that can kill fungus effectively (source).

Another study found that basil essential oil can kill certain strains of fungus that many commercial anti-fungal products cannot. Because the oil is safe to consume, you can use it as a natural preservative when you cook (source).

The anti-fungal properties of basil essential oil can be applied to the human body as well. Common fungal infections like Candida are often treated with prescription anti-fungal drugs. These drugs have many known side effects. Basil essential oil, on the other hand, is completely safe to use topically and internally (source).

If you have ever suffered from a vaginal yeast infection, you know that the itching and burning sensations can feel like torture. Often, women suffering from yeast infections turn to over-the-counter topical creams. These creams can burn the sensitive skin of the vagina, intensifying symptoms rather than treating them. Meanwhile, basil essential oil can be applied topically to the area without causing pain and discomfort.

The Spray Method for Household Mold

  1. Purchase a clean, unused spray bottle that can contain up to twenty ounces of liquid. Remove the bottle’s spray spout and position the mouth of the bottle directly beneath the spout of your sink’s faucet. Rinse the inside of the bottle with hot water to kill any germs. Then, fill it once more to the top without emptying it.
  2. Remove the cap from your basil essential oil bottle. Then, pick up the bottle in one hand and rotate it so that the spout is facing down. Hold the bottle right above the mouth of the spray bottle.
  3. Shake the bottle of basil essential oil vigorously, allowing approximately twenty drops to fall into the spray bottle.
  4. Screw the cap back onto your basil essential oil bottle. Then, tightly screw the spray spout back onto the spray bottle.
  5. Aggressively shake the bottle for twenty seconds. This will guarantee that the oil and water are thoroughly mixed together.
  6. Use this spray liberally on areas around the home in which mold develops. You may use it several times each day.

The Fungus-Fighting Ingestion Method for Candida

  1. Fill a medium-sized drinking glass with approximately eight ounces of either tap or filtered water.
  2. Twist the cap off of your basil essential oil bottle. Set the cap down somewhere that is close by.
  3. Pick up the bottle of basil essential oil and hold it at an angle so that its mouth is leaning toward the ground. Then, position the bottle directly on top of the water inside of the drinking glass.
  4. Use your index finger to lightly tap the side of the basil essential oil bottle. Tap it a couple times so that two drops fall into the water.
  5. With a small whisk or a spoon, vigorously stir together the oil and the water for around fifteen seconds.
  6. Drink the entire contents of the drinking glass in under one minute. Do this once each day.

The Topical Application Method for Fast Relief

  1. Using a measuring spoon, pour one tablespoon of a carrier oil into a small bowl. For this type of application, most oils will work well. Good carrier oils that may already be present in your home include olive oil, coconut oil and sesame oil.
  2. Take the cap off of your basil essential oil bottle. Place the cap off to the side. Then, pick up the basil essential oil bottle with one hand. Hold the bottle right above the bowl containing the carrier oil.
  3. Tilt the basil essential oil bottle so that its mouth is leaning toward the bowl. Using a gentle jiggling motion, pour four drops of basil essential oil into the carrier oil. Return the cap to the basil essential oil bottle and set it aside.
  4. Use a small spoon or fork to stir the two oils together. Do this for about fifteen seconds.
  5. Dip a cotton ball beneath the surface of the oil mixture. Hold it there for about five seconds so that the cotton ball becomes completely saturated with the oil mixture.
  6. Dab the cotton ball directly onto the area that is infected with fungus. Hold it firmly against the skin for twenty seconds. Then, discard the cotton ball.
  7. Using your fingers, massage the oil that’s on the skin into the affected area for about thirty seconds. You may do this up to three times each day to treat a fungal infection of the skin.

3. Give Your Home a Lovely Scent and Fight Household Odors

For centuries, people around the world have used basil essential oil to tackle odors around the home (source). The potency of basil’s fragrance gives it the unique ability to mask the strongest and most unpleasant smells. Using basil essential oil as an air freshener is certainly better than relying on commercial air freshener products. These products notoriously contain loads of hazardous chemicals that should not be inhaled over long periods of time (source).

Using basil essential oil in a homemade household spray has loads of benefits. In addition to masking bad odors, the essential oil will boost your mood. Plus, using it as a cleaning product will disinfect your home thanks to its anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties.

The Oil Diffuser Method for a Clean-Smelling Home

  1. Take the lid off of your oil diffuser’s water chamber. Place the lid somewhere nearby. If you don’t own an oil diffuser, you can find one online or in some specialty shops.
  2. Fill the oil diffuser’s tank with water until it has reached the maximum fill line. If you own a small diffuser, you can simply hold the tank directly under your sink’s faucet. For larger oil diffusers, you may use a cup.
  3. Twist off the cap of your basil essential oil bottle. Pick up the bottle in your hand and hold it right above the mouth of the oil diffuser’s water chamber.
  4. Flip the bottle on its side, positioning its spout above the water inside of the oil diffuser. Then, gently shake the bottle, counting as about six drops of basil essential oil land in the water.
  5. Put the lid of the oil diffuser back onto the water chamber.
  6. Place the oil diffuser in the room that you will be occupying. Set it down on a surface that is close to an outlet. Then, plug in your oil diffuser.
  7. Press the oil diffuser’s power button. Instantly, a stream of basil-scented vapor will flow from the diffuser’s spout. You may do this as many times each day as you wish.

4. Put Basil in Your Food to Boost Your Health and Add Flavor

Basil essential oil is one of the essential oils that is safe to ingest. Because fresh basil leaves have a short shelf life, it’s wise to buy a bottle of the essential oil instead. This way, you can add that fresh taste to food without worrying about the flavor going bad. Best of all, just one or two drops at a time is all that you need.

When you add basil essential oil to your food, you’re not just enhancing the taste of your meal. You’re also reaping the oil’s many health benefits. In other words, by simply pouring a drop or two of basil essential oil into your food each day, you can improve your overall physical health.

The Easy Pouring Method for Tasty Food

  1. When you’re cooking a dish that could use the fresh taste of basil, unscrew the cap off of your basil essential oil bottle. Then, tilt the bottle on its side, directly above the food. Tap the side of the bottle so that one or two drops fall onto the food. It is recommended that you consume no more than two drops per meal.In order to reap basil essential oil’s many health benefits, add the oil when the food is off of the heat. This way, you’ll preserve the healing properties of the oil’s various chemical compounds.

5. Stop Surrendering to Stress and Anxiety with this Natural and Safe Sedative

Although the two words are often used interchangeably, stress and anxiety are two different conditions that share many symptoms. Stress is a natural response to poor circumstances such as a family crisis or a demanding job. Anxiety, on the other hand, is a mood disorder in which the sufferer feels threatened and unsafe despite there being no real threat of danger.

Both of these conditions affect both the mind and body. Both chronic stress and anxiety involve the release of cortisol into the bloodstream. Cortisol is a hormone that speeds up the nervous system and triggers the release of adrenaline, giving the person a boost of energy and alertness so that they can tackle a potentially-dangerous situation. Both anxiety and chronic stress cause the body to release excessive amounts of cortisol, eventually exhausting the nervous system and weakening the immune system.

Although there are many drugs out there that tackle anxiety and stress, that doesn’t mean that these drugs are necessarily safe, especially when used over a long period of time. Popular anti-anxiety medications can be highly addictive and can cause dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Plus, many anti-anxiety drugs can alter a person’s mood while making them feel lethargic and uncoordinated.

Basil essential oil is an adaptogen. In other words, it won’t alter one’s mood, energy levels or coordination. Instead, it will help the mind and body fight stress and anxiety by naturally lowering cortisol levels while preserving the person’s energy levels and mental clarity (source).

Best of all, basil essential oil acts as a sedative when it is inhaled. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about dependency issues, withdrawal symptoms, side effects or overdosing. In fact, one study determined that basil oil is a safe and natural sedative (source). Another study found that administering the oil to mice reduced cortisol levels while boosting memory retention and alertness (source).

The “Quick Fix” Inhalation Method for Anxiety Attacks

  1. Unscrew the cap of your basil essential oil bottle and put it somewhere that is close by.
  2. Pick up the bottle in one hand, grasping it firmly. Position the bottle so that its mouth is right below one nostril.
  3. Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths for about thirty seconds. You should feel your nervous system gradually returning to normal. You may do this whenever you feel a panic attack or anxiety attack coming on.

The Oil Diffuser Method for Safe and Easy Stress Relief

  1. Remove the lid from your oil diffuser’s water tank. Keep the lid on a surface nearby.
  2. Fill the water tank of the oil diffuser with water. Be careful not to exceed the maximum fill line. If you have a small oil diffuser, you can position it directly under the faucet of your sink to fill it. Otherwise, you can fill it using a small cup.
  3. Once the oil diffuser’s tank is filled with water, set it down on a nearby surface.
  4. Twist the cap off of your basil essential oil bottle. Place the cap somewhere that is close by. Then, pick the bottle up with your hand.
  5. Tilt the basil essential oil bottle so that its spout is leaning over the water inside of the oil diffuser. Firmly tap the side of the bottle about five or six times. Approximately five drops of basil essential oil should fall into the tank of the oil diffuser.
  6. Return the cap to the basil essential oil bottle. Firmly place the lid back onto your oil diffuser.
  7. Put the oil diffuser on a surface in the room that you will be occupying for at least thirty minutes. Plug the diffuser into a nearby outlet.
  8. Push the oil diffuser’s power button. Immediately, basil-scented vapor should come out of the oil diffuser’s spout. Stay within five feet of the oil diffuser, taking long and slow breaths. You may do this as frequently as you wish to keep away stress and anxiety.

6. Heal All Kinds of Inflammation Safely

If you’ve studied aromatherapy in the past, you know that most essential oils possess strong anti-inflammatory powers. Needless to say, basil essential oil is a potent anti-inflammatory product that can alleviate inflammation without side effects.

Various studies have confirmed the potent anti-inflammatory activity of basil essential oil. When administered to mice, basil oil dramatically reduced levels of inflammation throughout the body (source).

Looking at the chemical composition of basil, it’s no surprise that the oil can kill inflammation quickly. The oil possesses eugenol, linalool and citronellol, three chemical compounds that have been intensely studied for their effects on inflammation (source).

Because basil essential oil is safe to ingest, it can be used to treat inflammation within the body. We now know that many common diseases are caused by inflammation. Arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome and many types of allergies are all the result of inflammation within the body. In fact, new research shows that some cases of depression may even be caused by inflammation of the brain (source).

Of course, basil oil’s anti-inflammatory properties can be applied to physical pain as well. Sore muscles and headaches are often caused by inflammation. Typically, people turn to over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pills when they are experiencing these types of pain. These pills, unfortunately, can cause damage to the stomach, liver and kidneys when taken too often. Basil essential oil, on the other hand, can treat pain safely when massaged into the skin of the affected area.

The Inflammation-Healing Tonic Method for a Healthy Body

  1. Take out a drinking glass that can contain approximately eight ounces of fluid. Fill the glass to the top with either tap or filtered water. Set the drinking glass down on a nearby surface.
  2. Twist off the cap of your basil essential oil bottle. Place the cap down somewhere that is close by.
  3. Pick up the basil essential oil bottle in one hand. Then, flip the bottle sideways with your wrist. Position the bottle a couple of inches above the water inside of the drinking glass, ensuring that the mouth of the bottle is facing the water.
  4. With your index finger, tap the side of the basil essential oil bottle twice. Two oil droplets should land in the water. Then, set the basil oil bottle down and screw its cap back on.
  5. Use a spoon to vigorously stir together the water and basil essential oil for about fifteen seconds.
  6. Drink the contents of the glass immediately. You can do this once each day to heal inflammation inside of the body.

The Luxurious Massage Oil Method for Fast Pain Relief

  1. Buy a plastic squeeze bottle that can hold up to twenty ounces of fluid.
  2. Remove the lid of the squeeze bottle. Run the bottle under hot water for about thirty seconds to ensure that it’s completely clean. Empty out the water into the sink.
  3. Stick a funnel into the mouth of the squeeze bottle.
  4. Take the cap off of a bottle of carrier oil. When creating a massage oil, you want to select a carrier oil that’s on the thin side. Olive oil works very well for this type of application.
  5. Pick up the bottle of carrier oil and hold it at an angle so that its mouth is facing the funnel. Fill the squeeze bottle with the oil. Then, put the carrier oil bottle down and remove the funnel from the mouth of the squeeze bottle.
  6. Twist off your basil essential oil bottle’s cap. Pick up the basil essential oil bottle and hold it sideways, ensuring that its spout is a couple of inches above the opening of the squeeze bottle.
  7. Shake the bottle of basil essential oil. Count as approximately twenty drops fall into the squeeze bottle.
  8. After returning the cap to the basil essential oil bottle, tightly twist the cap back onto your squeeze bottle.
  9. Pick up the squeeze bottle in one hand and shake it with vigor for about forty seconds. This will allow the two oils to mix together.
  10. When you are experiencing pain caused by inflammation, squeeze about one tablespoon of this oil blend into the palm of your hand. Rub your hands together so that both palms are coated in oil. Then, massage the affected area until the oil has been totally absorbed into the skin. Do this twice each day.

7. Treat an Ear Infection Quickly and Permanently

If you want to treat an ear infection without taking strong antibiotic medications, you can simply dab a couple of drops of basil essential oil onto the affected area and experience quick relief. As a matter of fact, basil essential oil has been the preferred treatment for ear infections in India for centuries. The oil’s strong antibacterial properties can kill the infection quickly without irritating the sensitive skin around the area (source).

The Easy Cotton Swab Method for Healthy Ears

  1. Twist off the basil essential oil bottle’s cap. Set the cap down somewhere nearby.
  2. Grab a clean and unused cotton swab, holding it firmly in one hand. Then, pick up the bottle of basil essential oil in the other hand.
  3. Press the end of the cotton swab against the spout of the basil essential oil bottle. Then, flip the bottle upside-down, ensuring that the cotton swab is still pressed firmly against the spout.
  4. Very gently tap the top of the basil essential oil bottle with your finger. Slowly, the cotton swab should become saturated with oil.
  5. Put the basil essential oil bottle down and return its cap.
  6. Gently place the cotton swab into the opening of your ear. Carefully use the cotton swab to spread the oil around the inside of your ear. Be careful not to push the cotton swab in too far or else you may damage your ear. Do this twice each day until the infection has cleared up.

8. Soothe a Sore Throat and Enhance Your Breathing

If you’ve got respiratory troubles, basil essential oil can alleviate your symptoms. The oil’s plethora of healing properties make it the ideal medicine for treating problems along the respiratory tract. For one thing, the oil’s anti-inflammatory properties will alleviate a sore throat. When the immune system detects a threat, it releases certain chemicals to the area that it believes is under attack. When a person has a respiratory infection, this immune system response causes the throat tissue to swell up and become sore. Inhaling basil oil through the nose will allow the oil’s anti-inflammatory chemical compounds to reach the tissue of the throat, healing it quickly by reducing inflammation (source).

The oil’s antibacterial properties allow it to kill bacterial infections that exist along the respiratory tract. By inhaling basil essential oil, you can prevent a bacterial infection of the respiratory system from becoming dangerous. Basil essential oil can also relieve coughs because of its unique ability to soothe irritated tissue.

Basil essential oil can also dramatically improve one’s breathing. The oil has the ability to liquefy phlegm that causes congestion, coughing and difficulty breathing. The oil is also an effective treatment for asthma. One study found that inhaling the oil increased lung capacity dramatically (source).

The Soothing Inhalation Method for Throat Inflammation

  1. Fill your bathtub with warm water by turning the faucet. The water should be warm enough to produce steam.
  2. As the water is filling, remove the lid from the basil essential bottle. Then, pick the bottle up in one hand and flip it upside-down. Hold the bottle directly above the water inside of the tub.
  3. Shake the bottle of basil essential oil. Count as about twenty drops fall into the bathtub.
  4. Turn off the faucet when the water level is high enough to submerge you up to your shoulders while lying in the tub.
  5. Enter the bathtub. Remain in there for at least twenty minutes, focusing on taking long and deep breaths. Do this once each day.

The Inflammation-Busting Massage Method for Easy Breathing

  1. Purchase a clean, unused squeeze bottle that can contain up to twenty ounces of liquid.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the inside of the squeeze bottle with hot water. This will kill any germs.
  3. Place a funnel in the opening of the squeeze bottle.
  4. Fill the bottle with a carrier oil that has a spreadable consistency. Jojoba oil and olive oil work very well for this kind of application. Once the bottle is filled, remove the funnel.
  5. Remove the cap from the basil essential oil bottle. Pick up the bottle and hold it sideways, positioning its mouth about two inches above the opening of the squeeze bottle.
  6. Forcefully tap the side of the basil essential bottle with your finger. Do this until you watch about twenty drops fall into the water.
  7. Screw the cap back onto the basil oil bottle. Then, tightly screw the cap back onto the squeeze bottle.
  8. Pick up the squeeze bottle in one hand and vigorously shake it for forty seconds.
  9. When you are experiencing respiratory troubles, squeeze about one teaspoon of the oil into your palm. Rub your palms together and slowly massage the oil into your chest. Do this until the skin has completely absorbed the oil.

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9. Take Care of Your Oral Health with Delicious Basil

Everyone knows the importance of maintaining good oral health. In fact, letting your oral health suffer can even be deadly (source). Most dentists recommend rinsing with a commercial mouthwash twice each day. However, commercial mouthwashes aren’t exactly good for you. One study found that commercial mouthwash products contain toxic chemicals that can be deadly when ingested. Even if you don’t swallow your mouthwash, you’re still exposing your mouth to these dangerous chemicals (source).

Basil essential oil, on the other hand, is a totally safe and natural oral health product. In fact, a rinse made of water and basil oil has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic cultures. Because of basil oil’s germ-fighting properties, it can prevent oral diseases while freshening your breath (source).

We’ve already discussed basil oil’s deodorizing abilities. The germs that cause bad breath can be killed instantly when you rinse with basil oil. The oil’s antibacterial and antimicrobial properties will protect the teeth and gums from plaque, tooth decay and gum disease. The anti-inflammatory properties, meanwhile, can alleviate inflammation along the gums. Best of all, however, is the fact that basil essential oil is a completely natural product that won’t expose the tissue in your mouth to hazardous chemicals.

The Safe and Delicious Oral Rinse Technique

  1. Using a measuring cup, fill a glass with one third of a cup of either tap or filtered water.
  2. Take the cap off of your basil oil bottle. Pick the bottle up and tap its side lightly so that about three drops fall into the glass.
  3. Pour the contents of the glass into your mouth. Swish for thirty seconds before spitting the rinse out into the sink. Do this twice each day.

10. Feel Energized without Drinking Tons of Caffeine

Do you guzzle down coffee to get through the day? Many Americans use coffee as a stimulant in order to get that boost of energy that is required to accomplish everyday tasks. In small doses, coffee is a relatively safe product. However, in today’s high-pressure environment, many people consume large amounts of coffee on a daily basis, putting their health at risk.

In fact, studies have found that people who consume at least four cups of coffee each day are at a high risk of dying prematurely. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that speeds up the nervous system. When consumed in high doses, caffeine can dramatically raise blood pressure, heart rate and rate of breathing. Over time, this is very taxing on the nervous system (source).

If you need an energy boost throughout the day, turn to basil essential oil instead. The oil is a stimulant that works when inhaled through the nose. It will increase the nervous system’s function while increasing alertness and mental clarity. But, the oil is gentler on the mind and body than caffeine, preventing serious side effects from occurring (source).

Basil essential oil also regulates adrenal function, giving it the ability to treat adrenal fatigue, a condition that is commonly caused by high stress levels. While coffee is known to cause anxiety and agitation, basil essential oil’s sedating effect will alleviate stress and anxiety while giving you the energy that you need to get through your busy day (source).

The Quick and Easy Inhalation Method for When You’re On the Go

  1. Twist off the cap of your basil essential oil bottle.
  2. Pick up the bottle in one hand and position its spout right below one nostril.
  3. Take deep, slow breaths for thirty seconds. You should feel its energizing effects within seconds. You may do this several times each day.

11. Repel Annoying Mosquitoes without Depending on Toxic Chemicals

Basil essential oil has been proven to effectively repel mosquitoes. In addition to causing itchy, uncomfortable bites on the skin, mosquitoes are capable of transferring diseases into a person’s bloodstream. Some of these diseases may even be deadly. For this reason, it’s important to use an effective mosquito repellent before going outside during the summer months.

Basil essential oil has been used to repel mosquitoes for hundreds of years. Now, science confirms the oil’s unique ability to keep mosquitoes at bay (source). As a matter of fact, basil oil contains four different mosquito-repelling chemical compounds, making it one of the most effective natural mosquito repellents out there (source).

When you use basil essential oil as a mosquito repellent, you don’t have to worry about the side effects that come with using most insect-repelling sprays. Popular commercial bug spray products contain chemicals that irritate the skin and can even cause serious bodily harm. Basil essential oil, on the other hand, can be used liberally without any unwanted side effects (source).

The Non-Toxic DIY Bug Spray Method for Annoying Critters

  1. Purchase a clean, unused spray bottle that can hold up to ten ounces of liquid.
  2. Take off the spray bottle’s spout. Hold the bottle under your sink’s faucet and fill the bottle to the top with water.
  3. Pick up your basil oil bottle after removing its cap. Hold the bottle upside-down above the water.
  4. Shake the basil essential oil bottle until twenty drops fall into the water.
  5. Tightly screw the cap back onto the squeeze bottle. Shake the bottle for forty seconds.
  6. Spray this homemade bug repellent all over your body before going outdoors. Its effects should last for several hours. You may reapply the spray to your body several times each day.

12. Relieve Crippling Constipation and Get Your Digestive Health Back on Track

The fact that basil essential oil can successfully alleviate constipation is welcome news to those who are familiar with the potentially-dangerous side effects of many popular laxative products. Over-the-counter laxatives are often aggressive on the intestines, causing damage to the digestive system when used too frequently.

Meanwhile, basil oil has been proven to alleviate constipation in a totally safe way (source). As a gentle stimulant, the oil triggers the bowels to release waste. Plus, the soothing nature of basil essential oil will ease the pain, cramping and discomfort along the intestines (source).

The oil also has carminative properties, meaning that it can alleviate gas pain and bloating. Ingesting one or two drops of basil essential oil will encourage trapped gas to flow through the intestines with ease.

The “Nice and Easy” Drinking Method for Constipation

  1. Fill a tall drinking glass with either tap or filtered water.
  2. Remove the cap from your basil oil bottle and pick the bottle up in one hand.
  3. Angle the bottle so that its mouth is facing the mouth of the glass. Then, tap the bottle’s side a couple of times with your index finger so that two drops of basil oil fall into the water.
  4. Drink the entire contents of the glass once each day when you are constipated.

13. Enhance Your Hair’s Appearance with this Fresh-Scented Herb

Basil essential oil is a potent but safe stimulant that will help combat hair loss and thinning. When applied topically to the scalp, it will dilate the blood vessels, stimulating circulation to dormant hair follicles. Meanwhile, the oil’s anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties will take care of any possible scalp diseases that are causing the hair to fall out, thin or stop growing altogether (source).

Basil oil also treats greasy hair by regulating the oil production of each hair follicle. And, it won’t dry out your hair like many commercial products that are made for oily hair (source).

If you suffer from dandruff, basil oil can help. Dandruff is an annoying and unsightly condition that causes the skin cells of the scalp to fall off of the head in clumps. The condition is incredibly uncomfortable and often embarrassing. Basil essential oil is packed with healing properties that tackle the underlying cause of dandruff.

The Lovely-Smelling DIY Hair Oil Method for Luscious Locks

  1. Into a small bowl, pour one to two tablespoons of a carrier oil. The amount of oil needed depends on the length and texture of your hair. For this type of application, you should use a thin, spreadable oil like olive oil or argan oil.
  2. Take the cap off of the basil essential oil bottle. Pick up the bottle and tilt its spout toward the bowl. Tap the bottle’s side, allowing five drops to fall into the carrier oil.
  3. Use a fork to stir the two oils together for fifteen seconds.
  4. Dip your hands into the oil mixture. Then, thoroughly massage the oil into your hair and scalp. Wait twenty minutes before rinsing out the oil with warm water.

The Shampoo-Enhancing Trick for Stunning Hair

  1. Twist the lid off of an unused bottle of shampoo. Set the lid aside.
  2. Remove the cap from your bottle of basil essential oil. Place the cap somewhere nearby.
  3. Grab the bottle of basil essential oil in one hand. With your wrist, flip the bottle upside-down. Then, position the spout of the bottle to be right above the mouth of the shampoo bottle.
  4. Aggressively shake the bottle of basil essential oil. Count as about twenty oil droplets fall into the shampoo bottle. Set the basil essential oil bottle down and screw its cap back on.
  5. Tightly screw the lid back onto the shampoo bottle. Then, pick it up and shake it for about forty seconds.
  6. Use this shampoo each day. When applying it to your hair, be sure to take some time to massage it thoroughly into your scalp.

14. Lower Your Blood Pressure in a Completely Safe Way

Basil essential oil can temporarily lower blood pressure when inhaled through the nose. One study found that eugenol, one of the oil’s chemical compounds, blocks calcium channels, alleviating hypertension almost instantly. The study also states that this effect only lasts for about two minutes. Therefore, it should be used in emergency situations (source).

As it turns out, basil oil can normalize blood pressure more effectively than most other essential oils. In one study, hypertensive rats were administered the oil. The oil quickly took effect, lowering their blood pressure levels to a normal state (source).

The DIY Tonic Method for Healthy Blood Pressure

  1. Take out a clean drinking glass that can contain about eight ounces of liquid.
  2. Hold the glass beneath the faucet of your sink. Turn on the faucet and fill the glass with water. You may use filtered water instead.
  3. After removing the cap of your basil essential oil bottle, pour two drops of basil essential oil into the glass. To do this, simply pick the bottle up in one hand and gently tap the bottle’s side with one finger. Each drop should fall out individually.
  4. Put the cap back onto the basil essential oil bottle. Set the bottle aside.
  5. Use a small whisk or a spoon to vigorously stir together the basil essential oil and the water. Stir for approximately fifteen seconds.
  6. Quickly consume the entire contents of the glass. Do this once each day or whenever you are experiencing hypertension.

15. Treat Pain in No Time with this Natural and Safe Analgesic

Eugenol is a powerful analgesic chemical compound that is often used by dentists to numb the nerves of patients’ mouths during dental surgery. Basil essential oil contains a high level of eugenol, giving it the ability to kill pain. Unlike anti-inflammatory agents, eugenol eradicates pain by interrupting the process in which the nervous system sends pain signals to the brain. Popular opioid drugs act the same way. However, opioid drugs are notoriously dangerous as they are highly addictive and put the sufferer at risk of overdosing. Therefore, basil essential oil is a much safer option for treating pain.

In one study, mice with fybromyalgia experienced incredible pain relief when given basil essential oil. This study is especially groundbreaking as fybromyalgia is a relatively newly-discovered condition that can be difficult to treat with more widely-used pain medications (source).

Another study found that eugenol can act as an anesthetic because of its incredible ability to block pain receptors in the brain. When applied topically to the affected area, it has a numbing and cooling effect (source).

The Totally Safe and Natural Massage Oil Method for All Kinds of Pain

  1. Purchase a plastic squeeze bottle that can contain up to twenty ounces of liquid. Remove the cap by twisting it. Then, rinse the inside of the squeeze bottle with hot water to kill any germs.
  2. Remove the lid from a bottle of carrier oil. For this application, an oil that has a thin and spreadable consistency is best. Jojoba oil and olive oil are good examples.
  3. Put a funnel into the mouth of the squeeze bottle. Make sure that it’s steady.
  4. Tilt the carrier oil bottle, allowing its spout to face the funnel. Fill the squeeze bottle to the top with the carrier oil. Then, put the carrier oil bottle down.
  5. Twist off your basil essential oil bottle’s cap. Pick up the basil essential oil bottle and angle it on its side. Move its spout above the funnel.
  6. Shake the bottle of basil essential oil vigorously, allowing approximately twenty oil droplets to fall into the carrier oil. Remove the funnel and put it away. Return the cap to your basil essential oil bottle.
  7. Tightly screw the cap back onto your squeeze bottle. Shake the bottle vigorously for about fifty seconds. This will ensure that the two oils are properly combined.
  8. Whenever you feel pain, squeeze about a tablespoon of this oil mixture into the palm of your hand. Then, rub both of your palms together.
  9. Using small, circular motions, massage this oil mixture into the affected area for about thirty seconds. You want to make sure that the oil is completely absorbed into the skin. You may do this as frequently as you’d like.

16. Get Fast Relief from Itchy Insect Bites

Because of its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, basil essential oil can treat bug bites on contact. The oil contains eugenol, a chemical compound that numbs and cools the affected area when applied topically to the skin. The anti-inflammatory properties of basil essential oil, meanwhile, reduce swelling and redness, allowing the bite to heal more quickly (source).

The Cotton Ball Method for Fast Relief from Itching and Irritation

  1. Into a small bowl, pour one teaspoon of a carrier oil of your choosing. You may use a measuring spoon. For this type of application, you can use a variety of oils. Common household oils that work include coconut oil, jojoba oil and olive oil.
  2. Take off the cap of the basil essential oil bottle. Then, grasp the bottle firmly in one hand and flip it upside-down. Move the bottle so that its mouth is facing the bowl containing the carrier oil.
  3. Very gently shake the bottle of basil essential oil. Allow about three oil droplets to fall into the carrier oil.
  4. Gently stir the two oils together for about ten seconds.
  5. Submerge a cotton ball into the oil mixture. Count to five before removing the cotton ball. This will allow the cotton to become fully saturated.
  6. Place the cotton ball directly onto the insect bite. Press it firmly against the skin so that most of the oil is squeezed out of the cotton ball and onto the affected area. Hold it against the insect bite for about thirty seconds.
  7. Discard the cotton ball. Then, massage the oil into the skin for about thirty seconds with your fingers. You may do this several times each day until the insect bite goes away.

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FAQ About Basil Essential Oil

What is Basil Essential Oil?

Basil is a popular culinary herb that belongs to the mint family. It is believed to have come from India. For at least five thousand years, the herb has been used both as a flavoring agent and as a medicine. Ancient Ayurvedic medicine relies heavily on the plant because of its enormous variety of health benefits. Basil essential oil is the concentrated oil that comes from the basil leaf (source).

Uses of Basil Essential Oil

Basil essential oil is known for its wide range of uses. The oil has been used for centuries as a mosquito repellent and deodorizer. The oil contains anti-fungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, making it an incredibly powerful medicine that can tackle many health ailments. Additionally, the oil can both stimulate and calm the mind when inhaled.

Composition of Basil Essential Oil

The main chemical compounds in basil essential oil are linalool, eugenol, methyl chavicol, limonene and citronellol.

How to Make Basil Essential Oil

Basil essential oil is extracted via steam distillation. The leaves, flowers and buds of the basil plant are exposed to high-pressure steam. The evaporation is collected and then separated into water and oil. The oil is bottled.

Does Basil Essential Work?

Thanks to extensive scientific studies, basil essential oil has been proven to possess many health benefits.

How to Take It

Basil oil is one of the essential oils that is safe to ingest in small quantities. When ingested, it can treat internal infections that are bacterial or fungal in nature. The oil can also treat inflammation of the body. Additionally, basil essential oil can soothe the respiratory tract and alleviate digestive troubles such as gas and constipation.

When applied topically to the skin, basil essential oil will repel mosquitoes, heal pain and treat various infections. Often, basil oil is diluted in a carrier oil to prevent potential skin irritation.

Basil essential oil can be inhaled to treat anxiety, stress and fatigue. The oil can also be inhaled to treat respiratory issues such as coughing, congestion and a sore throat.


Basil essential oil can be applied topically to the skin of children to repel mosquitoes, treat insect bites and heal pain. Children may ingest a small quantity of basil oil to treat an internal illness. When inhaled, basil oil can reduce stress levels and alleviate fatigue.


Adults can use basil essential oil in a variety of ways. When ingested, it can treat bodily infections, relieve gas and constipation and soothe the respiratory tract. When applied directly to the skin, the oil can treat pain and repel mosquitoes. When inhaled, basil oil can alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety and fatigue.

Is Basil Essential Oil Safe?

Basil essential oil is safe to apply topically to the skin and to inhale. When taken in small quantities, basil essential oil is safe to ingest.

Side Effects of Basil Essential Oil

Basil essential oil may lower blood sugar levels, reduce blood pressure and increase bleeding. Basil oil may cause liver damage if ingested in high quantities (source).

Medical Interactions

There are no known medical interactions.

Pregnant Women

Basil essential oil is likely safe for pregnant women to use. However, it is not recommended that pregnant women ingest high doses of basil essential oil.


It is safe for children to use basil essential oil as long as an allergy to the herb is not present.

Basil Essential Oil Facts

Botanical name: Ocimum sanctum, Ocimum gratissimum, Ociumum tenuiflorum
Common method of extraction: steam distillation
Plant part typically used: leaves, flowers, buds
Color: light yellow
Consistency: thin
Strength of aroma: strong
Aromatic scent: spicy, minty, warm
Blends well with: rosemary, peppermint, lemon, oregano, clove

Where can I buy Basil Essential Oil?

Basil essential oil is sold in some food stores and in specialty shops. It is easy to find basil essential oil online.

Basil Essential Oil Benefits Infographic


Who knew that this delicious herb possessed so many health benefits for the mind and body? Now that you’ve read this list of basil essential oil’s healing properties, you’ll never look at that tasty herb in the same way again. This potent oil can treat countless health ailments in a completely natural and safe way.

Do you use basil essential oil for its medicinal benefits? Tell us about it below in the comments section.

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