Home / Lemongrass Oil / 17 Reasons Why Lemongrass Essential Oil Can Dramatically Improve Your Life

17 Reasons Why Lemongrass Essential Oil Can Dramatically Improve Your Life

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Lemongrass essential oil is one of those essential oils that can do it all. With a tremendous amount of healing properties, this oil can treat a multitude of illnesses. Because the oil is safe to ingest, it can treat internal health conditions effectively and more safely than most prescription drugs. Plus, the oil acts as a powerful sedative, promoting well-being and feelings of relaxation. This oil is truly something special.

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Lemongrass Essential Oil Benefits Infographic

1. Eliminate Painful Gas and Bloating for a Calm Tummy

A carminative is a drug that eliminates gas along the digestive tract. Many people turn to over-the-counter remedies when they experience painful gas and bloating. However, one of the most powerful remedies for this common problem is lemongrass essential oil (source).

Lemongrass essential oil eliminates gas and bloating by breaking up gas bubbles along the digestive tract as well as encouraging the movement of food along the digestive tract. Often, gas in the lower abdomen is caused by bacteria inside the intestines that feeds on the sugars of food that has recently been consumed. Lemongrass essential oil is capable of stimulating bowel movements, allowing the food to pass through the digestive tract quickly and eliminating the sugars that feed intestinal bacteria. Lemongrass essential oil also has a relaxing effect on the abdominal muscles, soothing tension caused by digestive problems within the intestines.

The Tummy-Easing Topical Application Method for Fast Pain Relief

  1. Remove a carrier oil bottle’s cap by unscrewing it. At an angle, hold it directly above a measuring cup. Pour out one half of a cup of the carrier oil. It’s important to use a carrier oil that has a thinner consistency so that it spreads easily on the skin.
  2. Return the carrier oil bottle’s cap and put the bottle aside.
  3. Pour the contents of the measuring cup into a small bowl.
  4. After unscrewing your lemongrass essential oil bottle’s cap, pick the bottle up in one hand, tilting it so that it is leaning over the carrier oil that is inside of the bowl.
  5. Tap the lemongrass essential oil bottle with one finger to pour one drop of oil out at a time. Let six drops fall into the carrier oil.
  6. Screw the lemongrass essential oil bottle’s cap back on. Put the lemongrass essential oil bottle aside.
  7. Stir the lemongrass essential oil and carrier oil combination using a fork, a whisk or a spoon. Stir the two oils together for around 20 seconds so that they are combined.
  8. Dip the five fingertips of one hand into the bowl that contains the oil mixture. Make sure that each fingertip is evenly coated with the oil.
  9. With the fingertips that are coated in the lemongrass essential oil mixture, massage the skin of your lower abdomen using clockwise circular motions around the belly button. Continue massaging this lemongrass oil mixture into the skin for 45 seconds. Do not rinse it off. You may use this oil mixture to treat abdominal cramps, gas and bloating whenever you wish.

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The Ingestion Method for Relieving Gas and Bloating Along the Digestive Tract

  1. Take out a drinking glass that can hold eight ounces and place it on your countertop.
  2. Pick up the drinking glass and fill it to the top with water. You can use filtered water or tap water depending on your preference.
  3. Remove your lemongrass essential oil bottle’s cap by twisting it. Place its cap to the side.
  4. Pick up the lemongrass essential oil bottle in one hand. Hold the bottle of lemongrass essential oil in a tilted position, its spout hanging over the water that is in the drinking glass.
  5. To pour drops of lemongrass essential oil into the water, gently hit the side of the bottle with your index finger. Allow four drops to pour into the water.
  6. Combine the lemongrass essential oil and the water by stirring them together with a spoon for 20 seconds.
  7. Consume the contents of the glass within 30 seconds. You may do this after each meal to prevent gas and bloating.

2. Ditch Commercial Mouthwash for this Natural Oral Rinse to Fight Bad Breath and Germs

Every dentist will tell their patients to rinse with mouthwash twice each day. Popular commercial mouthwash products promise to eliminate harmful germs inside of the mouth that can cause problems like tooth decay and gum disease. Although these mouthwash products kill germs effectively, they have been shown to be harmful to one’s health (source).

The harsh alcohol content used in most commercial mouthwash products is bad news for sensitive tissue inside of the mouth. This alcohol has a drying effect on the gums, tongue and inner mouth tissue. Therefore, constant exposure to these products can cause serious irritation.

In fact, mouthwash products that contain high levels of alcohol can kill healthy cells inside of the mouth. As the cells of the mouth die, the risk of getting oral cancer increases dramatically. Therefore, it’s important to find an oral rinse product that contains no alcohol.

A good oral rinse is capable of freshening the breath as well as killing dangerous germs that are commonly found inside of the mouth. Lemongrass essential oil has been proven to achieve both of these things. In fact, one study compared lemongrass essential oil’s ability to prevent gum disease and plaque to that of a commercial mouthwash. Fascinatingly, the study concluded that an oral rinse of lemongrass essential oil is more effective at killing the germs that cause periodontal disease and plaque (source).

The Germ-Fighting Oral Rinse Method for Lemony-Fresh Breath and Healthy Teeth and Gums

  1. Pour one third of a cup of water into a drinking glass using a measuring cup. You may use filtered water or tap water.
  2. Remove the lemongrass essential oil bottle’s lid with a twisting motion. Place the oil bottle’s lid on a nearby surface.
  3. Hold the lemongrass essential oil bottle upside-down. Move it so that the lemongrass oil bottle’s spout hangs about one inch above the surface of the water in the drinking glass.
  4. Gently shaking the lemongrass essential oil bottle up and down, pour six drops into the water.
  5. Stir the lemongrass essential oil and the water together thoroughly for 25 seconds with a spoon.
  6. Without swallowing, pour the lemongrass oil and water mixture into your mouth.
  7. Swish the rinse around the inside of your mouth for one minute, allowing it to reach all of the corners of your mouth.
  8. After one minute has passed, spit the lemongrass essential oil mixture out into the sink. You can do this once each day to prevent plaque, gum disease and bad breath.

3. Control Bleeding and Potentially Save a Life

Astringents control bleeding by shrinking the blood vessels on contact so that less blood can pass through them. When a person is seriously wounded, the application of an astringent can prevent a serious loss of blood and save their life (source).

Lemongrass essential oil has powerful astringent properties because of its unique chemical composition. When lemongrass is applied directly to a wound, bleeding will immediately slow down (source).

The Quick Topical Application Method for Small Wounds

  1. Unscrew the lemongrass essential oil bottle’s cap and place it down somewhere that is nearby.
  2. Grab a clean, unused cotton ball and press it firmly against the lemongrass essential oil bottle’s spout.
  3. Flip the lemongrass essential oil bottle vertically so that the spout is facing the floor. Continue to firmly hold the cotton ball against the bottle’s spout.
  4. With your middle or index finger, firmly tap the bottle until the cotton ball is saturated with lemongrass essential oil. The cotton ball does not need to be dripping.
  5. Immediately press the cotton ball into the wound. Hold it firmly against the wound for one minute or until the bleeding has slowed down.

The Life-Saving Oil-Soaked Gauze Method for Larger Wounds

  1. Into a medium-sized mixing bowl, pour one cup of a carrier oil. You may do this using a measuring cup. You will need a carrier oil that has a thick consistency such as castor oil.
  2. After taking off its lid, pick up your lemongrass essential oil bottle in one hand and flip it upside-down.
  3. Shake the lemongrass essential oil bottle vigorously so that 20 drops fall into the carrier oil inside of the bowl.
  4. With a whisk, combine the carrier oil with the lemongrass essential oil for 45 seconds.
  5. Grab a piece of cloth or cotton gauze and place it inside of the bowl that contains the two oils. Allow it to sit there for at least 30 seconds so that it becomes fully saturated with oil.
  6. Pick up the oil-soaked gauze and apply it to the wound. Leave the gauze on the wound for 30 minutes. The bleeding should slow down significantly.

4. Boost Milk Production for Breastfeeding Mothers

Many new mothers find that their milk production can’t keep up with the needs of their baby. For women who choose to exclusively feed their babies breast milk, this problem can be dangerous since the baby requires a certain amount of daily nutrients in order to be healthy.

Lots of mothers turn to manufactured formulas to supplement their baby’s appetite. However, there are numerous advantages to exclusively feeding your baby breast milk. The milk that a mother produces contains natural antibodies that can prevent infections (source). Breast milk is also digested more easily than formula. Most importantly, studies have shown that breastfed babies have a reduced risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (source).

Mothers who struggle to produce enough milk can take lemongrass essential oil daily. As a galactogogue, lemongrass essential oil boosts milk production and even increases the quality of the milk by providing it with more nutrients. Plus, because lemongrass essential oil boasts strong antibacterial and antiseptic properties, you can keep your baby healthy as a portion of the oil that is consumed by the mother is transferred into the milk (source).

The Oral Method for Breastfeeding Mommies

  1. Into a drinking glass that holds eight to ten ounces, pour four drops of lemongrass essential oil. To do this, remove the oil bottle’s cap and hold it at an angle above the drinking glass’ mouth. Then, hit the bottle’s side with your finger until the right amount of drops have fallen into the glass.
  2. Pick up the drinking glass and hold it under a faucet. Turn the faucet on and fill the glass with water.
  3. Mix the lemongrass essential oil into the water with a whisk or a spoon for 20 seconds.
  4. Drink the lemongrass essential oil and water combination. You can do this twice each day.

5. Achieve a Calm and Relaxed Mind with this Natural Sedative

An incredible 40 million Americans suffer from some form of anxiety disorder. Those who have clinical anxiety are very familiar with the condition’s ability to dramatically reduce one’s quality of life and make simple everyday tasks unbearable (source).

Nowadays, people who suffer from anxiety can easily get treatment in the form of prescription anti-anxiety medications. Millions of Americans rely on these pills daily so that they can get through each day without the cloud of anxiety hanging over them.

Unfortunately, anti-anxiety medications come with a variety of potential issues. For one thing, they come with a lengthy list of potential side effects including depression, drowsiness and reduced motor function (source).

Additionally, popular anti-anxiety drugs are incredibly addictive and not meant to be taken long-term. Many of these drugs can become dangerously addictive after only a couple weeks of use and withdrawal symptoms include seizures and flu-like symptoms.

When it comes to treating anxiety, it’s important to try to find a natural solution that doesn’t put the sufferer at risk of dangerous side effects and addiction. The good news is that aromatherapy has successfully treated even the most severe cases of anxiety for centuries. Aromatherapy doesn’t have any side effects and is completely safe to practice on a daily basis.

Lemongrass essential oil has been noted for its ability to act as a powerful sedative. By inhaling the oil, the nervous system slows down, lowering a person’s breath rate and heart rate. Lemongrass essential oil also affects brain chemistry by triggering the release of hormones that make a person feel calm and peaceful.

One study tested the oil’s anxiolytic effects on mice. The study found that the inhalation of lemon essential oil can dramatically reduce anxiety (source).

Another study tested lemongrass essential oil’s ability to act as a sedative on humans. In the study, one group of subjects was given lemongrass essential oil and the other group was not. Then, the subjects were submitted to the Stroop Color-Word Test. The subjects who inhaled the lemongrass essential oil beforehand showed significantly fewer anxiety symptoms than those who did not (source).

The Quick Inhalation Method to Stop an Anxiety Attack Instantly

  1. Pick up a bottle of lemongrass essential oil in one hand and take off its cap.
  2. Position the lemongrass essential oil bottle under one of your nostrils.
  3. Inhale the lemongrass essential oil for eight seconds through your nose. Pause for four seconds. Then, exhale for eight seconds.
  4. Continue this process until you feel calm and relaxed.

The Oil Diffuser Method for Stress Reduction

  1. Place an oil diffuser nearby a sink.
  2. Lift the lid of the oil diffuser and put it down somewhere that is nearby.
  3. Smell the inside of the oil diffuser to make sure that it does not have any remnants of another essential oil. If you can smell another essential oil, rinse the tank of the oil diffuser thoroughly with hot water.
  4. Pick up the oil diffuser in one hand and position it directly below a faucet.
  5. Turn the faucet on and fill the tank with water up to the maximum fill line.
  6. Place the diffuser back onto a surface.
  7. Take off a lemongrass essential oil bottle’s cap by twisting it.
  8. After picking up your lemongrass essential oil bottle in one hand, lean it over the tank filled with water. The oil bottle’s mouth should be right above the water’s surface.
  9. Lightly shake your lemongrass essential oil bottle. Count as five drops of oil leave the bottle and fall into the tank.
  10. Put the oil diffuser tank’s lid back on by snapping it into place.
  11. Put the oil diffuser down on a surface in a room that is comfortable.
  12. Put the oil diffuser’s plug into an outlet.
  13. Press the oil diffuser’s power button. Right away, steam should come out of the diffuser and the scent of lemongrass should fill the air.
  14. Remain in the room as the oil diffuser emits lemongrass-scented vapor. Try to stay in the room for as long as possible to reap the oil’s tranquilizing abilities.

6. Put an End to Tossing and Turning and Finally Get a Good Night’s Sleep

One in three Americans has some form of insomnia. Whether mild or severe, insomnia can certainly wreak havoc on a person’s life. Because a person requires an adequate amount of sleep each night in order to perform important tasks, maintain good physical health and maintain a positive state of mind, those who suffer from insomnia are at risk of a variety of conditions including cardiovascular disease, a compromised immune system, depression and anxiety.

The sleeping pill industry makes billions of dollars each year off of those who suffer from insomnia. Those who struggle to sleep each night are desperate for a cure and will often happily take a sleeping pill that comes with a string of side effects instead of spending another night lying awake in bed. Unfortunately, sleeping pills can lead to a multitude of problems (source).

For one thing, sleeping pills can lead to dependency issues. As a person continues to take sleeping pills for an extended period of time, they develop a tolerance and must routinely increase their dosage in order for the drugs to have the same effect. After a certain amount of time, these drugs become physically addictive, putting a person at risk of serious withdrawal symptoms if they stop taking them.

Amazingly, aromatherapy can work just as well as prescription drugs when it comes to helping a person sleep. A variety of essential oils have been shown to have a positive impact on sleep. Lemongrass essential oil in particular has been studied for its ability to help people fall asleep faster.

One study found that mice that inhaled lemongrass essential oil fell asleep much faster than mice that did not (source).

By inhaling lemongrass essential oil before bedtime, you can get a good night’s sleep without worrying about the side effects and dependency issues associated with prescription sleep aids. A large part of the oil’s ability to promote sleep has to do with its sedative nature. Extensive research has confirmed that a large portion of those who suffer from insomnia have anxiety that prevents them from falling asleep. By inhaling lemongrass essential oil, stress and anxiety dissipate and the mind is clear enough to drift off to sleep (source).

The Easy Pillow Method for Restful and Deep Sleep

  1. Right before bedtime, pour five drops of lemongrass essential oil onto your sleeping pillow. To do this, unscrew the bottle’s cap and hold the bottle directly above the pillow. Flip the lemongrass essential oil bottle vertically and lightly shake it to release the oil one drop at a time.
  2. As your head rests on your sleeping pillow, inhale deeply through your nose. Do this nightly for a good night’s sleep.

7. Reduce a Fever with this Natural Remedy

A fever is the body’s way of ridding itself of an infection. Unfortunately, fevers are incredibly unpleasant and often accompanied by chills, body aches, extreme fatigue and a low mood.

Often, fever sufferers turn to over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs in an effort to reduce their fever. Because a fever is caused by inflammation, anti-inflammatory drugs can bring a fever down by treating the underlying cause as well as the symptoms.

However, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs can take a while to work because they must move through the digestive tract before activating. Luckily, lemongrass essential oil can be applied topically to the skin to fight a fever quickly. By applying the oil to the skin, it absorbs through the skin tissue and enters the bloodstream at a faster rate.

For thousands of years, lemongrass essential oil has been a popular method for reducing a fever. Its chemical composition allows it to act as an anti-pyretic, reducing high fevers quickly. The oil’s anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation in the body and the oil promotes the sweating out of toxins, allowing the infection to leave the body more quickly (source).

The Fever-Reducing Topical Application Method

  1. Measure one cup of a carrier oil into a measuring cup. Any carrier oil will work.
  2. Pour the cup of carrier oil into a medium-sized mixing bowl.
  3. Twist off the lid of your lemongrass essential oil bottle. Place its cap to the side.
  4. Hold the bottle of lemongrass essential oil upside-down and right above the bowl of carrier oil.
  5. With an up-and-down motion, aggressively shake the lemongrass oil bottle. Count as 20 droplets of lemongrass essential oil fall into the carrier oil.
  6. Screw the cap back onto the lemongrass essential oil bottle.
  7. With a medium-sized whisk, stir the carrier oil and lemongrass essential oil together for 30 seconds.
  8. Place a washcloth into the bowl containing the oil mixture. Allow it to sit in the bowl for 20 seconds so that it fully absorbs the lemongrass essential oil and carrier oil mixture.
  9. Remove the washcloth from the bowl and give it a quick squeeze so that it’s not dripping.
  10. With the oil-soaked washcloth, rub the entire body from head to toe. The oil will absorb through the skin and reduce a fever quickly.

8. Clean Your Fruits and Veggies for Germ-Free Produce

With its heavily-researched antiseptic properties, lemongrass essential oil can kill a variety of food-borne bacteria that can be found on fruits and vegetables. Because the oil is safe to ingest, you can wash your produce safely and effectively (source).

The Soaking Method for Healthy Fruits and Vegetables

  1. Fill a large basin or bowl with water by positioning it in your sink below the faucet.
  2. Unscrew the lemongrass essential oil bottle’s lid and hold it above the basin or bowl. While shaking the lemongrass essential oil bottle, allow 40 drops to pour out into the basin or bowl.
  3. Place your fruits or vegetables into the basin or bowl. Make sure that they are fully submerged. Allow them to soak for 30 seconds.
  4. Remove the fruits or vegetables from the bowl or basin and place them onto a dry sheet of paper towel. Allow them to dry.
  5. Dump the contents of the bowl or basin into the drain of your sink.

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9. Grow Your Fruits and Vegetables with a Safe and Natural Pesticide

Today, most fruits and vegetables are sprayed with chemical pesticides in order to keep them from getting eaten by insects and other pests as they grow. Unfortunately, studies have shown that these pesticides are highly toxic. Some side effects that can occur from consuming pesticides are certain cancers, hormonal imbalances and damage to the nervous system (source).

Therefore, it’s important to spray your garden with a safe and natural pesticide that contains no toxic chemicals. Lemongrass essential oil has been shown to keep most pests away from your fruits and vegetables. Plus, the oil is completely safe to ingest. Therefore, you will not be poisoning your produce by using this natural pesticide (source).

The All-Natural Pesticide Spray to Keep Bugs Away from Your Garden

  1. Thoroughly rinse out a plastic 20oz bottle that has a spray nozzle after unscrewing its cap. Use hot water to kill any bacteria.
  2. Place a funnel into the mouth of the bottle.
  3. With the funnel in place, position the spray bottle beneath your kitchen sink’s faucet.
  4. Turn on the faucet and fill the plastic spray bottle to the top with water. Remove the funnel.
  5. Take the cap off of a lemongrass essential oil bottle. Pick the lemongrass essential oil bottle up with one hand.
  6. Position the lemongrass essential oil bottle above the plastic spray bottle’s opening. Turn the lemongrass essential oil bottle over so that the bottle’s mouth is close to the water inside of the spray bottle.
  7. Shake the lemongrass essential oil bottle up and down. Allow 30 drops of lemongrass essential oil to fall into the plastic spray bottle.
  8. Screw the nozzle back onto the 20oz bottle tightly. Pick up the bottle and shake it aggressively for 50 seconds to mix the lemongrass essential oil into the water.
  9. Each morning, spray the lemongrass essential oil solution all over the plants in your garden. You do not want to drench the plants. Instead, give them each a light spritz.

10. Eliminate Body Odor with the Fresh and Mood-Enhancing Scent of Lemongrass

Lemongrass essential oil works as a powerful deodorant that can eliminate body odor. The pleasant scent of lemongrass can cancel out any bad odors caused by sweating (source).

As an antibacterial agent, lemongrass essential oil will also kill bacteria that can cause bad odors. When applied topically, the oil works instantly to leave you smelling fresh all day long.

Switching to a natural deodorant made of essential oils is a good idea considering the amount of toxic chemicals that are used in most commercial deodorant products (source). Many commercial deodorant products contain aluminum (source). When aluminum is exposed to the skin on a daily basis, trace amounts of it build up in the body through skin absorption. Excessive amounts of aluminum in the bloodstream have been linked to certain types of cancer.

The Odor-Fighting Spray Method for Smelling Great

  1. Purchase a 10oz bottle that has a spray nozzle. Remove its lid and rinse it thoroughly with hot water to kill any potential bacteria.
  2. Screw off the cap of the lemongrass essential oil bottle. Flip the lemongrass oil bottle on its side and place its nozzle against the rim of the spray bottle’s mouth.
  3. With one finger, hit the lemongrass essential oil bottle’s side. Count as 20 lemongrass oil droplets fall into the base of the spray bottle.
  4. Put the cap back onto the lemongrass essential oil bottle.
  5. Grab the top of the 10oz spray bottle in one hand and hold it right below the faucet of a sink.
  6. Turn on your faucet and fill the spray bottle to the top with water.
  7. Return the spray nozzle to the bottle by tightly screwing it back into place.
  8. Pick up the 10oz spray bottle containing the water and the lemongrass essential oil. Shake it to mix the two ingredients together.
  9. Each day, spray this lemongrass essential oil and water mixture onto your body. You only need to apply this to your body once each day because the deodorizing effects of the oil will last all day long.Tip: Feel free to add other essential oils to this natural deodorant recipe. Essential oils that work well with lemongrass essential oil are lavender oil, eucalyptus oil, lemon oil, rosemary oil and cedarwood oil. You may also use patchouli essential oil because it is known for its profound ability to mask odors of all kinds.

11. Repel Pesky Mosquitoes and Ants without the Toxic Chemicals

Nobody enjoys being bitten by a mosquito. A mosquito bite is relentlessly itchy and the constant scratching of it can lead to skin irritation and bleeding. Mosquito bites can actually be dangerous as well. Reports show that some mosquitoes carry deadly diseases that can infect a person instantly (source).

In an effort to avoid mosquito bites, countless families depend on commercial bug spray products during the warm summer months. These products are full of chemicals that repel mosquitoes and other pesky insects. Unfortunately, these commercial bug sprays are quite harmful to a person’s health. In fact, one of the most popular bug sprays has been shown to be toxic and is linked to all kinds of dangerous side effects when inhaled and absorbed through the skin (source).

To keep mosquitoes away, it’s best to rely on natural and safe essential oils. Plants naturally give off scents that protect themselves against predatory insects. In fact, the scent of lemongrass naturally repels mosquitoes just as effectively as commercial bug spray products.

Numerous studies have proven that lemongrass essential oil keeps mosquitoes away. One particular study compared the mosquito-repelling ability of lemongrass essential to that of commercial bug spray products. According to the study, lemongrass essential oil is just as effective (source).

Lemongrass oil is also a natural ant repellent. An ant invasion in the home can be a nightmare. Just like commercial bug sprays, commercial ant repellents are loaded with toxic chemicals that are harmful when inhaled. Needless to say, lemongrass essential oil is a perfectly safe way to repel ants.

One study tested lemongrass essential oil’s ability to repel ants by exposing candy to a group of them. In the study, two pieces of candies were placed near the ants. One piece of candy was coated in lemongrass essential oil and the other piece of candy was left untreated. The ants were attracted to the piece of candy that was left untreated. Fascinatingly, however, they completely ignored the piece of candy that was coated in lemongrass essential oil (source).

12. Achieve Total Headache Relief without Taking Pills

Countless people suffer from headaches on a fairly regular basis. The crippling pain associated with a headache can dramatically interfere with a person’s ability to focus and perform everyday tasks. In a desperate attempt for relief, headache sufferers often use anti-inflammatory over-the-counter drugs.

Although they can easily be purchased over-the-counter, these anti-inflammatory drugs are not necessarily safe. Taking these pills too frequently or in large quantities can cause a variety of problems including kidney and liver damage and damage to the lining of the stomach (source).

Lemongrass essential oil has been noted for its especially potent anti-inflammatory properties, making it a completely safe pain reliever for headaches. The oil works quickly as it is applied topically to the affected area and absorbed into the tissue through the skin. As an anti-inflammatory, lemongrass essential oil reduces inflammation by soothing tense muscles and reducing swelling (source).

Because of its tranquilizing effects, lemongrass essential oil can also treat headaches caused by stress. One of the most common symptoms of chronic stress is frequent tension headaches. As a natural sedative, lemongrass essential oil can reduce stress dramatically, both treating and preventing headaches.

The Fast-Acting Topical Application Method for Incredible Headache Relief

  1. Unscrew the cap off of the lemongrass essential oil bottle and pick the bottle up with one hand.
  2. Turn the bottle of lemongrass essential oil upside-down and place your other hand directly beneath the bottle’s spout.
  3. Using your index finger, hit the lemongrass essential oil bottle’s base a few times. Allow about six drops of lemongrass essential oil to fall onto your palm.
  4. Put the lemongrass essential oil bottle down.
  5. Dip the index finger of your hand into the small pool of lemongrass essential oil that’s in the other hand’s palm.
  6. With the finger that is coated in lemongrass essential oil, massage the pressure points for headache relief using tiny circular motions. These pressure points include the temples, the small space of skin between the eyebrows, the small space between the nose and the upper lip and the patches of skin right behind the earlobes. You may do this multiple times each day.

13. Fight Yeast Infections Safely and Naturally

Yeast infections that occur in the digestive tract, inside of the mouth and on the genitals are caused by Candida, a type of yeast that feeds off of sugar. This yeast develops in moist places of the body and can be caused by a variety of factors. Poor hygiene, excessive sugar intake and digestive illnesses can all cause yeast infections.

Interestingly, studies have shown that certain antibiotic drugs can also cause yeast infections. Antibiotic drugs disrupt the natural balance of bacteria inside of the body, creating an environment that is perfect for yeast to develop (source).

Yeast infections can become dangerous if left untreated. They are notoriously difficult to eliminate because of the rate at which the yeast multiplies. Yeast feeds off of sugar. Because the human diet is typically high in sugar, the yeast can continue to multiply as it feeds off of the high levels of sugar consumed by the sufferer.

However, studies have shown that lemongrass essential oil has a profound ability to kill Candida inside of the body. Because lemongrass essential oil has incredibly powerful anti-fungal abilities, it can inhibit the growth of yeast and rid the body of a dangerous yeast infection (source).

Because lemongrass essential oil is safe to ingest, it can be used to treat thrush, a yeast infection that exists inside of the mouth. It can also be ingested to treat a yeast infection that exists inside of the digestive tract.

The Candida-Killing Oral Tonic Method to Put an End to Yeast Infections

  1. Into a small drinking glass, pour four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is known for its strong anti-fungal properties. When combined with lemongrass essential oil, it can wipe out a variety of strains of fungus throughout the body. You may use a measuring spoon to accurately measure the correct amount of apple cider vinegar. Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar is best.
  2. Pour three drops of lemongrass essential oil into the glass. You can pour essential oil more accurately by tapping the oil bottle’s side with one of your fingers, allowing one drop to leave the bottle at a time.
  3. With a spoon, a small whisk or a fork, vigorously stir the lemongrass essential oil into the apple cider vinegar.
  4. Throw back the mixture of apple cider vinegar and lemongrass essential oil as though you were taking a shot of alcohol. If you find the taste of apple cider vinegar deeply unpleasant, you can quickly drink a glass of water afterward. However, avoid consuming a drink that contains sugar immediately after because sugar feeds a yeast infection. You can drink this concoction twice each day to get rid of a yeast infection.

14. Lower Cholesterol for a Long and Happy Life

About 102 million Americans have high cholesterol. High cholesterol is usually caused by poor diet and can lead to serious health problems like cardiovascular disease (source).

Popular cholesterol-lowering medications come with scary side effects like liver damage, heart attack and digestive problems. For this reason, those who suffer from high cholesterol should look for a natural and safe remedy to treat their problem (source).

Amazingly, various studies have proven that lemongrass essential oil can dramatically lower cholesterol. One study demonstrated the oil’s cholesterol-lowering ability by testing it on mice. The study showed that mice that used lemongrass essential oil had reduced cholesterol levels (source).

Lemongrass essential oil promotes a healthy flow of blood in the arteries. Therefore, the oil can prevent serious cardiovascular problems associated with high cholesterol levels (source).

The Cholesterol-Reducing Oral Method for Healthy Arteries

  1. Take a tall drinking glass out of your cabinet and set it on your counter.
  2. After unscrewing the lemongrass essential oil bottle’s cap, pour three drops of oil into the glass. To do this, pick up the lemongrass essential oil bottle with one hand. Tilt the bottle at an angle, making sure that its spout is leaning against the rim of the drinking glass’ mouth. Then, gently tap the lemongrass essential oil bottle’s side with your finger. One drop of lemongrass essential oil will fall out at a time.
  3. Screw the lemongrass essential oil bottle’s cap back on and set the bottle off to the side.
  4. Pick up the drinking glass containing the lemongrass essential oil and hold it right below the faucet of your sink. Turn the faucet on and fill the drinking glass to the top with water. Alternatively, you may fill the drinking glass with filtered water.
  5. Combine the lemongrass essential oil and the water together by stirring the mixture vigorously with a spoon for 20 seconds.
  6. Consume the contents of the drinking glass. You can drink this tonic once each morning to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

15. Fight Various Cancers without the Side Effects of Strong Drugs

Cancer is a dangerous epidemic that claims more and more lives each year. 2016 saw almost two million new cancer cases (source).

There are a variety of cancer treatments available. Unfortunately, most of them come with debilitating side effects such as severe weight loss, crippling pain and loss of appetite.

Interestingly, lemongrass essential oil has been extensively researched for its ability to fight cancer. One study evaluated the chemical composition of lemongrass essential oil and its unique ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells (source).

Another study proved the anticancer ability of lemongrass essential oil by observing its effect on cancerous tumors. Astoundingly, the study concluded that lemongrass essential oil can actually kill cancerous tumor cells, making it a powerfully effective treatment for fighting cancer (source).

The Life-Saving Anticancer Tonic Method for Daily Use

  1. Pour water into a drinking glass that can hold eight ounces of liquid. Fill the drinking glass to the top with water. You may use tap water from your sink’s faucet or filtered water.
  2. Take off the lemongrass essential oil bottle’s cap and set it aside.
  3. Pick up the lemongrass essential oil bottle with one hand. Flip the lemongrass essential oil bottle vertically to position the bottle’s spout above the water that’s inside of the drinking glass.
  4. Using a gentle shaking motion, release three drops of lemongrass essential oil into the water that’s in the drinking glass.
  5. Stir the lemongrass essential oil and water together with a spoon or a whisk for 15 seconds.
  6. Drink the lemongrass essential oil and water mixture each morning.

16. Relieve Muscle Aches and Tension with the Soothing Power of Lemongrass

Because of lemongrass essential oil’s potent anti-inflammatory properties, the oil can soothe muscular aches and pains. Using the oil topically to treat aches and pains has many advantages over taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pills. While these anti-inflammatory drugs can treat pain effectively, they can also cause damage to the stomach, liver and kidneys when taken in large doses (source).

Lemongrass essential oil does not cause any internal damage when applied to the skin to treat pain. It also works very quickly because it absorbs through the skin within minutes, permeating the muscular tissue to ease tension.

The Topical Pain-Relieving Method to Ease Sore and Tense Muscles

  1. Purchase a plastic 20oz squeeze bottle that has a twist-off cap.
  2. Fully disinfect the inside of the plastic bottle with hot water and soap. Allow the inside of the squeeze bottle to dry.
  3. Once the inside of the squeeze bottle is dry, place a funnel directly into the bottle’s mouth.
  4. Remove the cap from a bottle of carrier oil. A good carrier oil for this purpose has a thin consistency, isn’t sticky and spreads onto the skin easily. Jojoba oil, almond oil and olive oil work very well for this remedy.
  5. Pick up the carrier oil bottle and hold it on its side. Position the mouth of the carrier oil bottle right above the mouth of the funnel.
  6. Fill the 20oz plastic squeeze bottle with the carrier oil bottle. Set the carrier oil bottle down and screw its cap back on.
  7. Take off the lemongrass essential oil bottle’s cap. Place the cap somewhere nearby.
  8. With one hand, pick up the lemongrass essential oil bottle and tilt it. Move the lemongrass essential oil bottle on top of the squeeze bottle. Tilt the lemongrass essential oil bottle on its side and set its spout against the mouth of the squeeze bottle.
  9. Begin tapping the side of the lemongrass essential oil bottle with one finger. Count each drop as it falls into the squeeze bottle containing the carrier oil. Count as 40 drops of lemongrass essential oil are released into the carrier oil.
  10. Screw the lid back onto the lemongrass essential oil bottle.
  11. Tightly twist the lid back onto the 20oz plastic squeeze bottle containing the lemongrass essential oil and the carrier oil.
  12. Pick up the plastic squeeze bottle with one hand and shake it vigorously for one minute. This will ensure that the two oils are combined.
  13. When you are experiencing pain, squeeze about one tablespoon of this oil mixture into the palm of your hand. Then, set the bottle down and rub your two palms together. Massage the oil into the skin of the affected area for 30 seconds with circular motions. You can practice this several times each day.

17. Treat Dangerous Bacterial Infections without Taking Antibiotics

Lemongrass essential oil has powerful antibacterial properties because of its unique chemical composition. Because the oil can be safely ingested, it can treat a variety of bacterial infections within the body.

One study demonstrated lemongrass essential oil’s ability to kill salmonella, a dangerous bacteria that can cause severe illness (source). In fact, lemongrass essential oil kills a tremendous variety of bacteria that can make a person ill. Another study showed that the oil can treat a potentially-deadly staph infection (source).

This is good news for people who avoid antibiotics. While antibiotics can knock out a variety of bacterial infections, they can cause all kinds of problems when taken too frequently. For one thing, overuse of antibiotics can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the intestines, leading to fungal infections. Additionally, antibiotics have several unpleasant side effects (source).

The Oral Method for Killing Bacterial Infections

  1. Grab a tall drinking glass and set it on your kitchen’s countertop.
  2. With a measuring spoon, pour out one tablespoon of honey by squeezing the bottle.
  3. Pour the tablespoon of honey into the bottom of the drinking glass.
  4. Slice open one lemon. Pick up each lemon half in one hand and squeeze them into the drinking glass. To avoid getting seeds in the glass, cover the fleshy parts of the lemon halves with your palms while you squeeze so that the juice runs between your fingers.
  5. Unscrew the lemongrass essential oil bottle’s cap and hold the bottle at an angle over the glass. Tapping the lemongrass essential oil bottle’s side with your finger, allow three drops to fall into the honey and lemon juice mixture.
  6. Pick up the drinking glass and hold it directly beneath the faucet of your sink.
  7. Turn the faucet on and fill the drinking glass to the top with water.
  8. With a fork or a spoon, stir the honey, lemon juice, lemongrass essential oil and water together for 20 seconds.
  9. Drink this honey, lemon juice, lemongrass essential oil and water mixture twice each day to reduce a fever and kill an internal infection.

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Lemongrass Essential Oil FAQ

What is Lemongrass Essential Oil?

Lemon grass essential oil comes from lemongrass, a tropical plant native to Asia, Africa and Australia. The oil derived from lemongrass has been used for centuries because of its medicinal purposes. It is also used as a flavoring agent in many different cuisines around the world because of its lemon-like aroma and flavor (source).

What are the Uses of Lemongrass Essential Oil?

Lemongrass essential oil boasts a wide variety of medicinal properties. Its chemical composition gives it antibacterial, antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and carminative properties. Additionally, lemongrass essential oil is used in aromatherapy because of its ability to act as a sedative. The oil also keeps mosquitoes and ants away.

Lemongrass essential oil is frequently used in perfumes, cleaning products and skincare products because of its refreshing scent.

What is the Composition of Lemongrass Essential Oil?

Lemongrass essential is composed mainly of myrcene, citronellal, geranyl acetate, nerol, geraniol, neral and traces of limonene and citral.

How is Lemongrass Essential Oil Made?

Lemongrass essential oil is extracted using the steam distillation process. First, the leaves of the lemongrass plant are dried in the sun for several days. Then, they are exposed to very hot steam. As the steam passes through the leaves and into the air, it is collected. The steam is then separated into water and oil. The oil that is separated becomes lemongrass essential oil.

Does Lemongrass Essential Oil Work?

Science has proven that lemongrass essential oil indeed works when it comes to treating a variety of common ailments. Examinations of the unique chemical compounds that lemongrass possesses have proven the numerous healing properties that the oil provides.

How is Lemongrass Essential Oil Taken?


Lemongrass essential oil can benefit children in a variety of ways. Its antibacterial properties give it the ability to clear up bacterial infections in the body without the side effects of antibiotics. The oil can treat pain because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Lemongrass oil can be inhaled to promote relaxation and calmness. Additionally, the oil is often sprayed onto the bodies of children in order to repel mosquitoes.


For adults, lemongrass essential oil offers a large amount of benefits. The oil can treat bacterial infections and fungal infections when ingested. The oil also has anticancer abilities and has been proven to lower cholesterol. When lemongrass essential oil is inhaled, it can treat anxiety disorder and reduce stress. Plus, lemongrass essential oil can help with insomnia. The oil also repels mosquitoes and ants.

Is Lemongrass Essential Oil Safe?

Lemongrass essential oil is safe to ingest in small quantities. It is also completely safe to apply topically to the skin and to inhale. However, some people may have an allergy to lemongrass essential oil. If that is the case, avoid the oil completely.

It is not safe for pregnant women to use lemongrass essential oil.

What are the Side Effects of Lemongrass Essential Oil?

Lemongrass essential oil should never be consumed in large quantities as this can lead to fatal poisoning. Symptoms of a lemongrass essential oil overdose include vomiting, seizures and dizziness.

Medical Interactions

There are no known medical interactions.

Pregnant Women

Pregnant women should avoid using lemongrass essential oil as it can stimulate menstrual flow (source).


Children can safely take lemon essential oil.

Ingesting Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemon essential oil is safe to ingest in small quantities when diluted. It is, however, unsafe for pregnant women.

Facts About Lemongrass Essential Oil

Botanical name: Cymbopogon

Common method of extraction: steam distillation
Plant part typically used: leaves
Color: pale yellow
Consistency: thin
Strength of aroma: medium
Aromatic scent: citrus
Blends well with: eucalytpus, lemon, orange

Where Can I Buy Lemongrass Essential Oil?

In addition to online stores, lemongrass essential oil can be found in some specialty shops and food stores.

Lemongrass Essential Oil Benefits Infographic


What can’t lemongrass essential oil do? Besides offering a deliciously fresh scent, the oil has a ton of health benefits. In fact, lemongrass essential oil’s numerous healing properties can treat a variety of life-threatening illnesses. Therefore, it’s crucial that you pick up a bottle of this miracle product as soon as possible.

Do you love lemongrass essential oil? Tell us how you use it by leaving us a comment. Share this with anyone you know who might benefit from this valuable information!

1 thought on “17 Reasons Why Lemongrass Essential Oil Can Dramatically Improve Your Life”

  1. Hello Heather, thank you for this wonderful information I watched a doctor (Dr. Axe) on youtube talk about lemongrass oil and rosemary oil to help with lowering bad cholesterol. He mentioned 1 drop of. lemongrass oil with 1 drop of rosemary oil in a tablespoon of honey. Is that well diluted? or should I just mix the oils in water?


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